Implementation of The Zakat System in The Modern Era

What is Zakat?

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, and it is one of the important pillars because relates to society and helps in the well-being public. Zakat term for taking part in treasures that have been required by Allah to be given to entitled groups to accept it.

Condition mandatory Muslims giving zakat (Muzzaki)

Group entitled to receive zakat (Mustahik)

Also Read: Tips Budgeting Keluarga untuk Menunaikan Pembayaran Zakat 

Also Read: Perbedaan Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah dan Waqaf

Proposition of Zakat 

وَاَقِيۡمُوا الصَّلٰوةَ وَاٰتُوا الزَّكٰوةَ وَارۡكَعُوۡا مَعَ الرّٰكِعِيۡنَ‏ ٤٣ 

 “And perform the prayer, pay zakat and bow with those who bow” (Al-Baqarah: 43) 

That verse explains that Allah instructs people Muslim To pay zakat, and zakat is legally obligatory and mandatory to get along well third Islam.​

Also Read: Memaksimalkan Potensi Zakat

Also Read: Hati-hati Zakat Kita Salah Sasaran!

All Kinds of Zakat

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Purpose of Zakat

According to Yusuf Qardawi objective Zakat has 3 parts that are: 

In the modern era of progress technology so fast with almost 5 billion internet users throughout the world in 2023 and in Indonesia there are 221 million internet users figure of 79.5%, based on data that progress technology has Lots used by people all over the world, including Indonesia, of course progress technology This can influence behavior everyone included behavior in transaction. Can We know that transaction digital finance in Indonesia in 2022 will increase by 66.65%, of course matter This shows exists acceleration of digital transactions using technology and of course influence on the transaction system including transaction current zakat payment This can done digitally

What is Digital Zakat?

Traditionally zakat is managed through the Amil Zakat Institution works as an intermediary between muzakki and mustahik. Digital zakat is a zakat management system with utilizes technology information and communication in the administration process, use of technology also includes activity collection, distribution, and reporting of zakat. 

Also Read: Pengertian dan Ketentuan Zakat Fitrah

Why We should try Digital Zakat in The Modern Era?

How to Implementation Zakat in The Modern Era?

Activity transactions we have lot influenced daily by technology including payment systems bills, ordering food, and shopping using the worldwide website, or something more often we use is e- e-commerce application. Likewise with the current zakat payment system, This Can use an application platform that can be downloaded via smartphones, tablets, PC, etc, or via the Zakat Institution website.

Application platforms digital wallet and digital shopping working together with the management agency zakat:

Also Read: Penggunaan Teknologi Digital untuk Memaksimalkan Dana Zakat di Indonesia

Distribution of Zakat in Indonesia

Distribution of zakat in Indonesia is usually carried out by the National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS). form distribution of zakat funds with form a program

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In the modern era This use of internet technology has become part important in every activity performed​ people Muslims including transaction finance is one of them in payment of zakat, with use technology every transaction more efficient and easy done so that people Muslim No There is reason For No pay zakat appropriately time and with encouraged​ use of technology distribution of more zakat funds transparent so that distribution of more zakat funds maximum and more easy verified and monitored by the people Muslims. You can pay zakat based on digital technology become the right choice in the modern era. 

Also Read: Memaksimalkan Potensi Zakat


Bank Indonesia,

Association Organizer Indonesian Internet Services (APJII), 20Internet%20Indonesia%20(APJII)%20announces%20number of%20users%20internet, souls%20population%20Indonesia%20years%202023

Ersi Sisdianto, Ainul Fitri, Desi Isnaini (2021), “Penerapan Pembayaran Zakat Digital Dalam Persefektif Ekonomi Islam (Cashless Society)”, Jurnal Ilmiah Keuangan dan Perbankan, Volume 4(2) 112-123 

Rahmini Hadi , Yoiz Sofwa Shafrani , Goddess L, Sugeng Riyadi , Basrowi , (2024), “Digital Zakat Management, transparency in zakat reporting and the zakat payroll system toward zakat management accountability and its implications on zakat growth acceleration”, International Journal of Data and Networks Series, Volume 8(1) 597- 608 

Loso Judianto , Eko Sudarmanto , Asri Ady B, Jasiah , M. Irawan , (2024),” Analysis of Effectiveness and Challenges of Digital Zakat Management: Case Study on Shopee and Tokopedia ”, West Science Islamic Studies, Volume 2(1) 1-7 

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