Helping Others Better Worship Than I’tikaf

One of the social values that Islam emphasizes is taking care of others. Assisting others in overcoming their challenges is not only a noble deed but also highly beneficial in Allahs eyes. Helping a fellow Muslim in need is actually more morally righteous than doing itikaf in the Prophets mosque for a whole month according to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The Hadith of the Prophet demonstrates the virtue of helping others

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated the following in a hadith recounted by At-Thabrani:

“The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to others. The most beloved deeds to Allah are making a Muslim happy, relieving his hardship, paying off his debt, or alleviating his hunger. Indeed, walking with my brother to fulfill his need is more beloved to me than performing i’tikaf in this mosque (the Prophet’s Mosque) for a full month.” (HR. At-Tabarani in Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir no. 13280; classified as hasan by Sheikh Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Jami’ no. 176).

This hadith emphasizes Islams great social worth. Providing material or non-material assistance to those in need is an act that Allah loves more than a month’s Itikaf in the Prophets Mosque, one of Islams holiest mosques.

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Further Proof for the Virtue of Assisting Others

The importance of helping others is emphasized in many other narrations in addition to the hadith mentioned above:

1.Those who help others are helped by Allah

“Allah continues to aid His servant as long as he aids his brother.” (HR. Muslim no. 2699)

According to this hadith if a person helps his brother Allah will help him in his affairs and in life.  

2.Those who take care of their fellow believers are loved by Allah.

“The believers, in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion, are like a single body. If one part of the body suffers, the whole body responds with sleeplessness and fever.” (HR. Bukhari no. 6011 and Muslim no. 2586).

As believers we should care for others hardships as much as we care for our own according to this hadith.

Also read:How Islam Views Relationships Among Colleagues

Ways to Help Others

Helping others can take many forms it can also involve what follows:

·        Listening to people who are having issues and offering guidance.

·        Offering labor or expertise to help someone with their work.

·        Giving people in need donation or financial assistance.

·        Participating in charitable endeavors humanitarian initiatives and other welfare-related volunteer work.

·        Praying and providing consolation to those who are struggling.

Also read:Procrastination as a Reprehensible Trait in Islam and How to Avoid It

Advantages of lending a hand to others

There are several personal advantages to helping others in addition to the enormous rewards that come with it:

·        Achieving inner tranquility and happiness.

·        Establishing more solid social ties.

·        Being blessed by Allah in both worlds.

·        Acquiring Allah’s assistance in one’s personal life.

·        Fostering greater compassion and empathy in society.

Also read:The Role of Sustenance and Wealth in Da’wah

In conclusion

Giving to those in need is one of the highest virtues in Islam it is even more honorable than performing I’tikaf in the Prophets Mosque for a whole month. The Prophet Muhammads ﷺ hadiths make it abundantly evident how good it is to help others and how Allah will reward such deeds with ease and blessings in this life as well as the next. As a result every Muslim should be aware of other peoples needs and prepared to assist as needed. Let’s help each other and make our ukhuwwah stronger.

Helping Others Better Worship Than I’tikaf

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