The Urgency of Maintaining the Spirit of Worship Until the End of Ramadan 

Ramadan is a month full of blessings and forgiveness. In this month, Muslims fast, recite the Quran, strengthen friendship, and increase other good deeds. However, sometimes the spirit of worship in the middle or end of Ramadan often decreases. This article will discuss the importance of maintaining the spirit of worship until the end of Ramadan and how to do it. 

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Why does the spirit of worship need to be maintained? 

There are several reasons why the spirit of worship needs to be maintained until the end of Ramadan, namely: 

The virtue of the last ten nights of Ramadan:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: 

تَحَرَّوْا لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ فِى الْعَشْرِ الأَوَاخِرِ مِنْ رَمَضَانَ 

“Seek the lailatul qadar in the last ten nights of Ramadan.” (HR. Bukhari no. 2020 and Muslim no. 1169) 

This hadith shows that the last ten days of Ramadan have more virtues than other days. So it is very important to find the last ten nights of Ramadan in a state of awake spirit of worship so that a servant can maximize his worship in seeking the virtues of the last ten nights of Ramadan, especially looking for the night of Lailatul Qadar. 

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A moment to improve the quality of worship:

Maintaining the spirit of worship until the end of Ramadan can be an opportunity to improve and improve the quality of worship that has been done before. 

Avoiding the temptation of negligence:

Decreasing the spirit of worship can make a person easily complacent and negligent, thus missing out on the many faidah that can be obtained in the month of Ramadan. Maintaining the spirit of worship can avoid this.  

The door of forgiveness is wide open

Allah, the Almighty, always forgives His servants who are serious in worshiping in the month of Ramadan. This is mentioned in the following hadith: 

مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مَنْ ذَنْبِهِ 

Whoever fasts out of faith and in order to gain reward, all his past sins will be forgiven [al-Bukhâri and Muslim]. 

Maintaining the spirit of worship until the end of Ramadan is one form of a servant’s sincerity to achieve Allah’s forgiveness. 

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Pelajaran Akhlaq dari Puasa Ramadan 

Tips for Maintaining the Spirit of Worship Until the End of Ramadan 

Here are some tips to maintain the spirit of worship until the end of Ramadan: 

Intend worship for the sake of Allah

A straight intention will make a person sincere in worship and always want to improve the quality of his worship. 

Recall the virtues of the month of Ramadan.

By reflecting on the virtues and rewards promised by Allah SWT in the month of Ramadan, the enthusiasm for worship will increase so that we can fight laziness and decreased desire to worship. 

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Maintain diet and sleep patterns

Adequate food intake and rest will keep the body fit so that it does not get tired easily in worship. This is especially important to prepare ourselves for I’tikaf and worship in the last ten nights of Ramadan.  

Read more of the Quran and its commentaries.

Reading the Quran and understanding its content will increase faith and devotion, so that the spirit of worship will also increase. 

Find a friend to worship with

Worshipping with friends or family can remind and motivate each other to keep up the spirit of worship. 

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Avoiding activities that can reduce the reward of fasting or neglect worship.  

This is important to maintain faith and focus in worship. Even the number of sins can cause our Ramadan worship to be incomplete. as mentioned in the following words of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali: 

“You should know that the act of drawing closer to Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, by giving up various desires (which are permissible outside of fasting, such as eating or having sex with one’s wife) will not be complete until one draws closer to Allah by giving up the things that He has forbidden, namely lying, wrongdoing, and enmity between people in matters of blood, wealth and honor.” (Latho’if Al Ma’arif, 1/168, Ash-Shamilah)” 

So we should not do things that are futile in the month of Ramadan to complete the worship of Ramadan and maintain our enthusiasm until the end of Ramadan. 

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Reflecting on the deeds that have been done.

By evaluating the deeds that we have done, we can find out the shortcomings and improve them in the remaining time of Ramadan. This also makes us eager to increase our worship in the remaining days of Ramadan to make up for our lack of worship in the days that have passed. 

Maintaining the spirit of worship until the end of Ramadan is important in seeking the pleasure of Allah ta’ala and getting his reward in this noble month. With the various efforts and tips mentioned above, hopefully we can all achieve the rewards, blessings and forgiveness promised by Allah ta’ala. 

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Al-Quran al-Karim 

MSc, M. A. T. (2013, July 27). Kajian Ramadhan 16: Sepuluh Hari Terakhir Ramadhan. 

MSc, M. A. T. (2009, August 27). Jangan Biarkan Puasamu Sia-sia. 

Bukhari, M. (2005). Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol. 3). Darussalam. 

Muslim, (2003). Sahih Muslim (Vol. 2). Darussalam. 

‌Meraih Ampunan Allah Di Bulan Ramadhan | Almanhaj. (2022, June 16). 

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