The Way for Turning Work into a Source of Reward in Ramadan

Forgiveness and blessings abound during the month of Ramadan. Muslims are urged to increase their social worship—such as working with good intentions—as well as their ritualistic worship—such as prayer reading the Quran and fasting. If done with the correct mindset and in accordance with Islamic teachings work can be an act of worship in addition to being a way to meet material needs. How to make work a source of reward the value of reliability in the workplace and strategies for striking a balance between work and worship during Ramadan will all be covered in this article.

With the correct intention work can be worship

The significance of intention in all actions is emphasized by Islam. According to Umar bin Khattab radhiyallahu anhu the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated in a hadith:

“Indeed, deeds are judged by their intentions” (Bukhari & Muslim)”

Work can be a valuable form of worship in Allah ﷻs eyes if it is done with the correct intention. In Islam working entails both earning a living and meeting ones duty to support ones family. The Quran says:

“And seek the Hereafter in that which Allah has given you, and do not forget your portion of the world…” (Qur’an 28:77).

This verse highlights how crucial it is to strike a balance between religious and secular matters. When work is done honestly and in line with Islamic teachings it is a type of jihad fi sabilillah. As a result Allah will reward a Muslim who works with the goal of worshiping Him greatly.

Also read:How to Perform Da’wah in the Workplace?

Being trustworthy at work is a noble act of worship

Being trustworthy is a core value in Islam that applies to all facets of life including the workplace. Working responsibly entails upholding the confidence that has been placed in you whether in social professional or personal settings. A Muslim is truly carrying out a very valuable act of worship when they work honorably conscientiously and professionally. The Islamic idea of ihsan or doing everything in the best way possible further supports this. Avoiding dishonesty fraud corruption and carelessness in ones duties is another way to be trustworthy at work. Everybody will be held responsible for their actions according to Islam. Consequently one of the highest acts of worship in Islam is upholding credibility in ones work.

Also read:How Islam Views Relationships Among Colleagues

During Ramadan striking a balance between work and worship

Maintaining productivity while fasting without sacrificing the caliber of worship calls for careful balancing. These are some strategies for juggling work and prayer throughout the month of Ramadan. Effective time management. Establishing a daily routine that incorporates work worship and relaxation is essential to guaranteeing that everything is carried out as efficiently as possible. For example scheduling suhoor and night prayers for before dawn and reading the Quran or praying the sunnah during lunch breaks.

• Worshiping during breaks: Dhikr reading the Quran or dhuha prayers can be done during work breaks. Without interfering with primary work responsibilities this helps one keep a relationship with Allah ﷻ.

• A balanced diet: Energy levels during the day are significantly impacted by the nutrition consumed at suhoor and iftar. Maintaining hydration and eating a healthy diet can help you stay energized while working and praying.

• Steer clear of unproductive behaviors: Ramadan is the ideal time to break negative habits like gossiping being lazy and wasting time on pointless pursuits. Rather concentrate on more fruitful and fulfilling pursuits.

• Work effectively and efficiently: Work efficiency can be increased by prioritizing critical tasks and avoiding pointless work. Working efficiently while still making time for worship is possible with effective time management.

Also read:The Ethics of a Moslem Professional: Honoring Work Hours

In conclusion

When done with the correct mindset and in line with Islamic teachings working during Ramadan can be a source of great reward in addition to being a worldly activity. A Muslim can attain blessings in this life as well as the next by aiming to use work as worship remaining trustworthy in their work and striking a balance between work and worship. Lets use Ramadan as an opportunity to strengthen our work ethic clarify our goals and receive blessings in all that we do.

The Way for Turning Work into a Source of Reward in Ramadan

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Bincang Syariah. (n.d.). Kultum Ramadhan: Tetap produktif bekerja saat berpuasa. Retrieved from

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Alfatihah. (n.d.). Pahala orang bekerja di bulan Ramadhan. Retrieved from

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