Is Hidayah Awaited or Sought?
A key idea in Islam is hidayah or divine guidance which describes the direction Allah ﷻ gives people to keep them on the straight and narrow. The heart is illuminated by this light which makes it possible to discern between truth and falsity right and wrong. But a relevant question is raised: Is hidayah something that one actively pursues or is it just a matter of waiting for it to happen? This article examines the idea of hidayah stressing the significance of actively pursuing it as opposed to passively waiting for it.
The Character of Hidayah
Hidayah is a gift from Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ said it in Quran 28:56:
Indeed [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like but Allah ﷻ guides whom He wills
This verse emphasizes that Allah ﷻ has the final say over hidayah. That being said humans still play a part in achieving it. Throughout the Quran believers are repeatedly urged to seek wisdom via prayer, introspection and moral behavior. The well-known prayer in Surah Al-Fatihah:
Guide us to the straight path (Quran 1:6)
Is an example makes it abundantly evident that seeking hidayah is an active process.
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Actively Seeking Hidayah
Many Islamic teachings support the notion that hidayah must be actively sought. the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) declared:
Anyone who endeavors to seek knowledge Allah ﷻ will make easy for him the path to Paradise (Narrated by Sahih Muslim).
This hadith emphasizes how crucial intention and effort are to receiving hidayah. Allah ﷻ said in the Quran 29:69:
And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our paths (Quran 29:69 ).
As these verses make clear, hidayah is a reward for those who work hard to seek it out rather than a passive gift.
Hidayah seeking is a multi-step process. First, one must first genuinely intend to uphold the truth. Second, one needs to practice worship practices that cleanse the heart and open it to direction like prayer fasting and almsgiving. Thirdly, since ignorance is one of the biggest obstacles to hidayah one must pursue knowledge. The Quran frequently commends people who consider its verses and make an effort to comprehend them.\
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Waiting for Hidayah Can Be Risky
However passively waiting for hidayah can be risky. Some individuals hold the view that they have no control over Hidayah and that it will happen if He so desires. Although it is true that Allah ﷻ’s will comes first, this mindset can cause complacency and a failure to fulfill ones worship duties. Allah ﷻ warns in Quran 59:19:
And do not be like those who forgot Allah ﷻ so He made them forget themselves (Quran 59:19)
This verse serves as a reminder that spiritual loss can occur when one does not seek hidayah.
Furthermore, the proactive aspect of Islam is incompatible with the notion of waiting for hidayah. Believers are encouraged by the religion to take charge of their spiritual development as well as other facets of life. The same way a farmer waits for crops to grow without sowing any seeds is analogous to waiting for hidayah without exerting any effort. In the same way that a farmer must prepare the ground and plant seeds a believer must act to get direction.
Methodical Procedures for Seeking Hidayah.
- Sincere Request (Dua): Consistently seek Allah ﷻs wisdom. Believers are encouraged to offer up hidayah prayers just as the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) did on a regular basis.
- Learn: In order to learn more study the Quran Hadith and Islamic principles. Understanding and carrying out Allah ﷻs instructions require knowledge.
- Self-Reflection: Give your actions and intentions some thought. To identify areas in which one needs to improve, self-awareness is essential.
- Good Company: Ascend to hidayah by surrounding oneself with moral people who can uplift and support you.
- Worship: To purify the heart and deepen ones relationship with Allah ﷻ, he must regularly engage in acts of worship like prayer fasting and almsgiving.
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In conclusion
To sum up one cannot afford to wait for hidayah in a passive manner. Since it is a gift from God one must actively pursue it via prayer hard work and moral behavior. The Quran and Hadith offer precise instructions on how to pursue hidayah stressing the value of knowledge intention and introspection. Believers can firmly walk the straight path and open their hearts to Allah ﷻs hidayah by being proactive.e. Make an effort to be one of the people whose hearts are receptive to the light of hidayah.

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Islampos. (n.d.). Hidayah: Dijemput Bukan Ditunggu. Accessed from
Muslim Afiyah. (n.d.). Hidayah itu Dijemput Bukan Ditunggu. Accessed from
Arrisalah. (n.d.). Hidayah itu Dicari Bukan Dinanti. Accessed from
Baitul Hikmah Institute. (2021, 9 Juli). How Should We Study Hidayah and Benefit from It? fccessed From