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  • Three Schools of Thought in Islamic Economics

    Three Schools of Thought in Islamic Economics

    Islamic economics has grown significantly, offering diverse perspectives on managing economic activities within the framework of Islamic principles. These perspectives are shaped by three primary schools of thought: Baqir al-Sadr’s Iqtishaduna School, Islamic Neo-Classical School, and the Critical Alternative School. Each of these schools presents a unique approach to integrating Sharia values with economic practice. 1. Baqir al-Sadr’s Iqtishaduna School…

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  • The Fear and Greed Index: Is It Really That Important?

    The Fear and Greed Index: Is It Really That Important?

    The Fear and Greed Index is a popular tool used in investment circles to gauge market sentiment. It reflects whether the market is currently dominated by fear or greed, two emotional states that greatly influence investor decisions. These emotions often drive significant changes in asset prices, affecting stock markets, cryptocurrencies, and commodities. But how crucial is the Fear and Greed…

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  • The Opportunities of Salam Contract in Islamic Financing

    The Opportunities of Salam Contract in Islamic Financing

    The salam contract is a form of sale contract in Islamic law that provides flexibility and significant potential in Islamic financing. In a salam contract, the payment is made upfront, while the goods or commodities are delivered at a later date. This structure holds particular relevance in sectors like agriculture and manufacturing that require initial capital for production. The potential…

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  • Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Financial freedom and freedom of worship are two intertwined elements in a Muslim’s life, offering a balance between worldly responsibilities and spiritual obligations. In Islam, financial freedom is not merely about amassing wealth, but managing resources responsibly to meet one’s needs without neglecting religious duties. Conversely, freedom of worship allows a Muslim to perform religious obligations without the hindrance of…

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  • Finance Your Fashion Business with Crowdfunding

    Finance Your Fashion Business with Crowdfunding

    The fashion industry is one of the most dynamic and ever-evolving sectors, requiring significant capital investment for everything from production to marketing. For new fashion entrepreneurs, one of the biggest challenges is how to secure funding without compromising the future of their business. Traditionally, entrepreneurs have relied on bank loans or individual investors, but an increasingly popular alternative is crowdfunding.…

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  • How to fund Green Economy Through Crowdfunding

    How to fund Green Economy Through Crowdfunding

    Environmental awareness has grown significantly over the past few decades, driven by the threat of climate change, global warming, and widespread environmental degradation. To address these issues, various innovative solutions have emerged, one of which is green financing. This concept involves the allocation of funds to support projects with a positive environmental impact. One particularly interesting approach within green financing…

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  • Start up Burning Money to Grow, Until When?

    Start up Burning Money to Grow, Until When?

    Introduction In the startup world, “burning money” has become commonplace. Many startups, especially in the tech sector, choose to incur short-term losses to pursue exponential growth. This strategy, though highly risky, has led to the creation of some of the world’s most successful companies. However, many startups have also failed and eventually run out of funds. This article will explore…

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  • Murabahah with Wakalah? Is it OK?

    Murabahah with Wakalah? Is it OK?

    Murabahah is one of the most popular financing products in Islamic banking, where the bank buys goods on behalf of the customer and resells them to the customer with an agreed profit margin. Meanwhile, wakalah is a representative contract in which a person or institution appoints another party to perform an action on their behalf. The combination of these two…

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  • Umrah and Sadaqah? Which one is Better?

    Umrah and Sadaqah? Which one is Better?

    In the life of a Muslim, both umrah and sadaqah are highly recommended practices. However, in the midst of difficult social conditions, where many people are in need of help, the question arises: Which is better, performing Umrah or giving sodaqah? This article will discuss a comparison between the two in light of current conditions. The Virtue of Umrah Umrah…

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  • Types of Mudharabah in Islamic Finance

    Types of Mudharabah in Islamic Finance

    Mudharabah is a pivotal concept in Islamic finance, representing a distinctive partnership structure. In this arrangement, one party, known as the shahibul maal, provides the capital, while the other party, referred to as the mudharib, contributes their expertise and effort to manage the business. The profits generated from this partnership are shared according to a predetermined ratio. Meanwhile, any losses…

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