Islamic Finance

  • Book Value Per Share:Is It Important for Investors?

    Book Value Per Share:Is It Important for Investors?

    Book Value Per Share (BVPS) is frequently used in fundamental stock analysis to determine whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued. Although it may sound technical, BVPS plays an important role in helping investors understand the actual value of a stock. This article will explain the definition, calculation method, and the benefits and drawbacks of BVPS as an investment indicator.…

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  • The Economic Policies of Umar bin Abdul Aziz

    The Economic Policies of Umar bin Abdul Aziz

    Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the eighth caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty, is widely recognized for his wisdom in managing the economy and governance. Although his reign was brief, from 717 to 720 CE, it became a key example of how just, Sharia-based economic policies can profoundly impact societal welfare. Umar bin Abdul Aziz is often seen as a prototype of…

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  • How Abdul Malik bin Marwan Shaped Early Islamic Economic Policies?

    How Abdul Malik bin Marwan Shaped Early Islamic Economic Policies?

    Abdul Malik bin Marwan, one of the most significant caliphs of the Umayyad Dynasty (685-705 CE), is renowned for implementing extensive changes in political, social, and especially economic spheres. It was during his reign that early translation activities began, translating texts from Persia, and continued with expeditions to various countries under the governance of Khalid bin Yazid. His tenure was…

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  • The Urgency of Studying Islamic Economic Thought

    The Urgency of Studying Islamic Economic Thought

    Studying the history of Islamic economic thought is more than just reminiscing about the past. By understanding how Muslim scholars once constructed robust economic systems, we can draw inspiration to develop a more effective Islamic economy today. History teaches us that Islam offers solutions to a wide range of economic problems, and we can leverage these to address contemporary economic…

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  • Tawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work

    Tawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work

    Tawakkul is a crucial concept in Islam, referring to the act of completely surrendering oneself to Allah Ta’ala after making the best possible effort. Tawakkul is often misunderstood as passive submission without any effort, but in Islam, it is about finding a balance between hard work and trust in Allah Ta’ala. This article explores the deeper meaning of tawakkul, its…

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  • It’s Never Too Late to Learn Islamic Knowledge

    It’s Never Too Late to Learn Islamic Knowledge

    Learning about religion, particularly Islam, is a lifelong journey, one that knows no age restrictions. Regardless of one’s age or background, gaining knowledge in Islam is not only essential for understanding life but also for drawing closer to Allah and achieving success in both this world and the hereafter. Many prominent scholars in the history of Islam started their quest…

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  • Important Roles of Custodian Banks in Securities Crowdfunding

    Roles of Custodian Banks in Securities Crowdfunding

    Securities crowdfunding (SCF) is a method of raising funds that allows small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to receive financing from the general public through digital platforms. In this model, investors can provide capital to businesses or projects in exchange for equity or other financial instruments. Behind the scenes of SCF, custodian banks play a crucial role in ensuring the security,…

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  • Important! Equip Your Child’s Future with Early Investments

    Important! Equip Your Child’s Future with Early Investments

    In today’s fast-paced world, teaching children about finance and investment from an early age is becoming increasingly crucial. By equipping them with the knowledge of how to manage money and invest wisely, we help them build a more secure and stable financial future. While many parents consider it essential to open savings accounts for their children, introducing them to the…

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  • Massive Potentials of Istishna’ Contracts in Islamic Financing

    Massive Potentials of Istishna’ Contracts in Islamic Financing

    The istishna’ contract is one of the Islamic financing instruments based on a sale and purchase agreement where the product or item being sold does not yet exist at the time of the contract and must be produced according to the buyer’s specifications. This financing solution is particularly useful for sectors such as construction, manufacturing, and projects that require custom-made…

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  • Involvement of the Halal Industry in the Stock Market

    Involvement of the Halal Industry in the Stock Market

    In recent decades, the halal industry has experienced significant growth, not only in the food consumption sector but also in various other sectors, including finance. In Indonesia, the halal industry has become an essential part of the economy, supported by the large Muslim population and the government’s commitment to developing the sharia economy. One key aspect of the sharia economy’s…

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