Islamic Finance

  • The Commandment to Earn a Living and the Prohibition of Begging

    The Commandment to Earn a Living and the Prohibition of Begging

    In Islam, working to earn a living and avoiding begging are core principles emphasized in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Islam promotes hard work and prohibits begging unless under certain unavoidable circumstances. This article explores the command to seek livelihood and the prohibition of begging based on Qur’anic verses, hadiths, and Islamic teachings. Command to Seek Livelihood Islam highly values hard…

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  • Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Financial freedom and freedom of worship are two intertwined elements in a Muslim’s life, offering a balance between worldly responsibilities and spiritual obligations. In Islam, financial freedom is not merely about amassing wealth, but managing resources responsibly to meet one’s needs without neglecting religious duties. Conversely, freedom of worship allows a Muslim to perform religious obligations without the hindrance of…

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  • The Importance of Reviewing Your Business Contracts from a Shariah Perspective

    The Importance of Reviewing Your Business Contracts from a Shariah Perspective

    In the realm of business, contracts or written agreements play a pivotal role in binding the relationship between the involved parties. Contracts serve to ensure clarity in agreements and to avoid potential disputes in the future. However, for Muslim entrepreneurs, it is essential to ensure that business contracts are not only legally sound but also compliant with Shariah principles. Shariah,…

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  • See Your Investment Return with Consistency

    See Your Investment Return with Consistency

    Investing is one of the most effective ways to achieve financial freedom and reach long-term financial goals. However, the key to successful investing is consistency. Without consistency, the benefits of investing will not be maximized, and it could even lead to losses. This article will explain several reasons why being consistent in investing is crucial to seeing optimal results. Benefits…

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  • Haram Food and its Effect on Financial Freedom

    Haram Food and its Effect on Financial Freedom

    Financial freedom is a condition where one can fulfil their needs without having to worry about financial matters. However, in Islam, financial freedom is not only about how much wealth one has, but also how that wealth is acquired and used. One important aspect that is often overlooked is the impact of eating haram food. This article will discuss how…

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  • PO Financing Dengan Crowdfunding: Memang Bisa?

    PO Financing with Crowdfunding: Is It Possible?

    PO Financing (Purchase Order Financing) is an increasingly popular financial solution among companies that want to fulfil customer orders without having to sacrifice their own working capital. Traditionally, PO financing is provided by banks or other financial institutions. However, with the development of technology and the emergence of alternative business models, crowdfunding is starting to be considered as one of…

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  • How Caliphs Refused Salaries as Public Officials

    How Caliphs Refused Salaries as Public Officials

    Islamic history records many inspiring stories of caliphs who refused to accept salaries as the highest state officials. This decision was not only a form of austerity, but also demonstrated their integrity, honesty, and commitment to Islamic principles. These caliphs carried out the mandate of leadership with full responsibility, placed the welfare of the people above personal interests, and lived…

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  • Islamic Finance and Halal Industry: Way to Islamic Society Supremacy

    Islamic Finance and Halal Industry: Way to Islamic Society Supremacy

    In an increasingly globalized world, Islamic finance and the halal industry stand as two complementary pillars in strengthening the economic power of the Muslim community. With a global Muslim population exceeding 1.8 billion, the demand for products and services that adhere to Shariah principles is on the rise. The collaboration between these two sectors not only drives inclusive and sustainable…

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  • The Importance of Maintaining Cash Reserves

    The Importance of Maintaining Cash Reserves

    Introduction In the business world, cash reserves are one of the most vital yet often overlooked elements. Many companies, whether large or small, face financial difficulties not because they cannot generate profit, but due to poor cash management. When cash flow is not properly managed, businesses can find themselves in undesirable situations, such as liquidity shortages, which could lead to…

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  • Importance of Investment for Business Owners

    Importance of Investment for Business Owners

    Introduction Investment is a fundamental part of sustainable and successful business management. For business owners, investment not only plays a role in wealth accumulation but also significantly contributes to the strengthening and expansion of the business. This expanded article delves into why investment is crucial for business owners, the different types of investments they can make, and strategies to maximize…

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