Muamalah Fiqh

  • Does Mudharabah fit All Business Funding?

    Does Mudharabah fit All Business Funding?

    In the world of Islamic finance, Mudharabah is known as a contract where one party provides capital, and the other party offers expertise and manages the business. Profits generated are shared between the two parties based on an agreed ratio, while losses are borne entirely by the capital provider. While Mudharabah has its merits, especially in promoting ethical and fair…

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  • The Sharia Law of Collateral in Mudharabah

    The Sharia Law of Collateral in Mudharabah

    Mudharabah is a form of cooperation in Islamic economics that involves two parties: the capital owner (shahibul maal) and the business manager (mudharib). Under this contract, the capital owner provides the business manager with capital to run the business, and they agree to share the profits according to the agreed ratio. On the other hand, if there is a loss,…

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  • Islamic Inheritance Planning Principles and Strategies 

    Islamic Inheritance Planning Principles and Strategies 

    Inheritance planning is a crucial aspect of a Muslim’s life, ensuring that one’s assets are distributed according to Sharia principles after death. In Islam, the distribution of inheritance is clearly outlined in the Quran and Hadith. This not only ensures justice and balance but also fulfills the goals of maqasid al-sharia, which include preserving religion, life, intellect, lineage, and wealth. …

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  • Can Sukuk Become a Crypto?

    Can Sukuk Become a Crypto?

    Sukuk, often referred to as Islamic bonds, are financial instruments that comply with Sharia principles. On the other hand, crypto refers to digital currencies operating on decentralised blockchain technology. This article explores whether sukuk can be integrated with cryptographic technology to create a new financial instrument.  Definition and Characteristics of Sukuk  Sukuk are securities representing ownership in an asset or…

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  • Islamic Crowdfunding-Based Agrarian Financing: Concept, Akad, and Benefits 

    Islamic Crowdfunding-Based Agrarian Financing: Concept, Akad, and Benefits 

    Islamic crowdfunding-based agrarian financing is an innovative solution that combines modern technology with sharia principles to support the agricultural sector. This system provides an opportunity for farmers to obtain funds without having to go through traditional financial institutions. This article aims to educate the public and farmers about the basic concepts, types of contracts used, and real examples of the…

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  • How Tabdzir Can Hinder Investment 

    How Tabdzir Can Hinder Investment 

    Tabdzir, or wastefulness, is one behaviour that is often overlooked in our daily lives. Tabdzir refers not only to material waste but also to time, energy, and other resources. In an economic and financial context, tabdzir can have serious consequences that hinder investment growth, both at the individual and national levels. This article will discuss how tabdzir can hinder investment…

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  • How to Discipline Yourself to Consistently Invest 

    How to Discipline Yourself to Consistently Invest 

    Investing is one of the most effective ways to achieve long-term financial goals, such as buying a house, preparing for your children’s education, or planning for retirement. However, many people struggle to consistently invest due to various reasons, ranging from a lack of knowledge to the temptation to use investment funds for other purposes. Disciplining yourself to regularly invest requires…

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  • Profit Sharing System Based on DSN MUI: Accrual Basis and Cash Basis 

    Profit Sharing System Based on DSN MUI: Accrual Basis and Cash Basis 

    In recent decades, Islamic financial institutions have grown rapidly in Indonesia. This financial system offers solutions that align with Islamic Sharia principles, one of which is the profit-sharing system. DSN MUI Fatwa No. 14 of 2000 provides guidelines on the profit distribution system, including the division of profits based on accrual basis and cash basis.  Definitions of Accrual Basis and…

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  • Faith, Knowledge, and Deeds: The Three Foundations of Act in Islam

    Faith, Knowledge, and Deeds: The Three Foundations of Act in Islam

    Faith, knowledge, and deeds are three fundamental aspects of actions in Islam. These elements form a complementary foundation that guides a Muslim’s life. Faith is the belief that underpins all actions, knowledge illuminates the path of life, and deeds are the tangible actions reflecting one’s faith and knowledge. By understanding and practicing these three elements, a Muslim can achieve a…

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  • Profits Distribution in Mudharabah & Musyarakah: Permissible with High Cash Reserves?

    Profits Distribution in Mudharabah & Musyarakah: Permissible with High Cash Reserves?

    In the business world, especially in Islamic partnership schemes like mudharabah and musyarakah, profit distribution is a crucial aspect to consider. The question is, is it permissible to distribute profits if the company has high cash reserves but is experiencing losses? This article will discuss the important aspects of this question, from understanding mudharabah and musyarakah to the implications of…

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