Kufur nikmat as used in Islam is the idea of denying or not being grateful for Allah ﷻs blessings. It is a spiritual illness that frequently goes undiagnosed but has serious repercussions for a persons life and faith. Everything from the wealth we own to the air we breathe is a blessing from Allah ﷻ. However people fall into the trap of kufur nikmat when they disregard or abuse these blessings. The meaning causes and effects of kufur nikmat are examined in this article along with preventative measures.
Understanding of Kufur Nikmat
The words kufur (meaning denial or ingratitude) and nikmat (meaning blessings) are the Arabic roots of the phrase kufur nikmat. When combined they represent the act of rejecting or lacking gratitude for Allah ﷻs blessings. Allah ﷻ often reminds people of His innumerable blessings and cautions against ingratitude in the Quran. For instance Allah ﷻ states in Surah Ibrahim (14:34):
“And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah ﷻ, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful.”
Kufur nikmat can show up in a number of ways including denying Allah ﷻs part in ones accomplishments attributing blessings to ones own work or misusing Allah ﷻs gifts. Its a type of spiritual blindness that keeps people from seeing where their wealth and contentment come from.
Also read:The Prohibition of Extravagant Life in Islam
Reasons behind Kufur Nikmat
Arrogance is a major contributing factor to kufur nikmat. People may grow arrogant and forget that Allah ﷻ is the source of all blessings when they succeed or become wealthy. Because of their conceit they think they are independent and do not require Allah ﷻs favor or guidance. In Surah Al-Alaq (96:6-7) the Quran cautions against this way of thinking:
“Indeed, man transgresses (6) when he considers himself self-sufficient (7).”
Carelessness (ghaflah) is another factor. In the midst of the daily grind people frequently neglect to consider Allah ﷻs blessings. They fail to express gratitude taking things like family health and food for granted. A gradual loss of faith and a higher risk of succumbing to kufur nikmat can result from this carelessness.
Implications of Kufur Nikmat
Kufur Nikmat has both spiritual and material repercussions. A person who lacks gratitude is spiritually separated from Allah ﷻ. It makes them more susceptible to more sins and erodes their relationship with their Creator. This is clarified in Surah Ibrahim (14:7) of the Quran:
“And [remember] when your Lord declared If you are grateful I will surely increase you [in favor] but if you deny indeed My punishment is severe.”
Kufur nikmat has the potential to cause blessings to be lost in this world. People run the risk of losing Allah ﷻs blessings when they abuse them or refuse to accept them. For instance wealth that is not spent in line with Islamic principles can result in financial ruin and neglected health can worsen.
Also readLBalance Between Worldly Life and Hereafter According to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Steer clear of Kufur Nikmat
Developing an attitude of thankfulness (shukr) is essential for Muslims to prevent kufur nikmat. The first step in being grateful is realizing that Allah ﷻ is the source of all blessings no matter how minor. Following this acknowledgment gratitude should be shown via words, deeds and worship.
Kufur nikmat can also be avoided by practicing regular reflection (tafakkur). Faith and gratitude can be strengthened by reflecting on Allah ﷻs creations and the blessings in ones life. Furthermore it is ensured that Allah ﷻs blessings are not abused by using them in ways that please Him such as charitable giving serving others and carrying out ones religious duties.
In conclusion
A severe spiritual condition called kufur nikmat can cause one to lose both material and eternal blessings. Muslims can guard against this kind of ingratitude by acknowledging Allah ﷻs favors using blessings in line with Islamic teachings and expressing gratitude. The Quran reminds us that while denial results in loss and punishment thankfulness increases blessings. May Allah ﷻ lead us to be among those who sincerely appreciate all of His blessings.
Also read:The Sources of Income of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
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Muslim.or.id. (n.d.). Mengingkari Nikmat Allah. Retrieved from https://muslim.or.id/101-mengingkari-nikmat-allah.html
Muslim.or.id. (n.d.). Mewaspadai Kufur Nikmat. Retrieved from https://muslim.or.id/22315-mewaspadai-kufur-nikmat.html
Rumahberkat.com. (n.d.). Kufur Nikmat. Retrieved from https://blog.rumahberkat.com/inspirasi/kufur-nikmat/
Sindonews.com. (n.d.). Kufur Nikmat, Penyakit yang Banyak Menjangkiti Orang Zaman Sekarang. Retrieved from https://kalam.sindonews.com/read/1514023/69/kufur-nikmat-penyakit-yang-banyak-menjangkiti-orang-zaman-sekarang-1736388104