Shadaqah: The Forgotten Worship for Employees

In Islam it is strongly advised to practice shadaqah or donating a portion of ones wealth to those in need. Shadaqah also a great worship fit for employees due to minimal time and physical requirement. However a lot of employees might forget about this worship because of the lack of awareness and perception that it needs big sum of wealth. Nonetheless shadaqah is a great virtue and a great fit for people who are time and energy constrained.

Donating to Shadaqah Doesn’t Require A Lot of Money

There is no set amount to donate which is one of the special features of shadaqah. Massive benefits can be obtained even with a modest donation.

“Protect yourselves from the Hell, even if it is with half a date.” (Bukhari 1413 & Muslim 1016)

This demonstrates how valuable even the smallest deed of kindness is in Allahs eyes. This gives workers with low incomes encouragement that they can still participate in this admirable deed without facing financial hardship. Therefore everyone has the chance to do good deeds every day regardless of their financial situation.

Shadaqah takes very little time or effort.

Shadaqah can be performed quickly and easily in contrast to other types of worship that might call for patience and physical effort. Putting aside a small amount of ones monthly income or making a donation online are two examples. Employees with busy schedules will find this especially useful as it enables them to continue worshiping without interfering with their work. Furthermore a large number of zakat institutions and charitable organizations have made automated donation systems or monthly contributions possible. Employees can use this to automatically set up their shadaqah guaranteeing regular donations.

Also read:Umrah and Sadaqah? Which one is Better?

Shadaqah Offers Both Material and Afterlife Benefits

Shadaqah offers many advantages here on Earth in addition to rewards in the hereafter. Shadaqah promotes a more compassionate society improves ties within the community and lessens the burdens of the less fortunate. This is what Allah says in the Quran:

The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. (Quran 2:161).

Shadaqah also cures a lot of different diseases. As the Prophet ﷺ once said:

‘Cure your sick with shadaqah.’ (Valued as hasan by Shaykh Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Jami’ and Sahih At-Targhib)

Shadaqah has real health benefits for the giver as this illustrates. Shadaqah also brings inner peace in day-to-day living. Workers who regularly donate to charities report feeling happier and more empathetic. Giving to others has been found to lower stress levels and increase life satisfaction.

Also read:How to Maximize Work to Gain Rewards

Shadaqah: A Worship Fit for Busy Workers

Shadaqah is the perfect kind of worship for workers with hectic schedules because of its benefits and simplicity. Through charitable giving workers can stay close to Allah without investing a lot of time energy or money. Additionally technology has made it possible to donate online allowing anyone to do so at any time and from any location. The Prophet ﷺ said:

“When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: continuous shadaqah, knowledge from which benefit is gained, and a righteous child who prays for him.”  (Narrated by Muslim 1631)

This demonstrates that giving to shadaqah has a lasting impact even after a person has passed away. The Prophet ﷺ stated in another hadith that shadaqah does not decrease wealth:

“Shadaqah does not decrease wealth.” (Narrated by Muslim 2558)

This gives workers who might be reluctant to give up their profits even more incentive. In order to integrate charitable giving into their daily lives staff members can set aside a specific percentage of their monthly income for charitable contributions. Their lives will become more blessed as a result of this practice over time. Giving to those in need or sharing food with coworkers are examples of workplace charitable activities. As busy workers let’s remember to do good deeds that fit us. By allocating even a tiny percentage of our income we not only assist those in need but also gain great blessings in Allah’s even a tiny percentage of our income we not only assist those in need but also gain great blessings in Allah’s eyes.

Also read:The Prohibition of Extravagant Life in Islam

Shadaqah: The Forgotten Worship for Employees

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