Umrah and Sadaqah? Which one is Better?

In the life of a Muslim, both umrah and sadaqah are highly recommended practices. However, in the midst of difficult social conditions, where many people are in need of help, the question arises: Which is better, performing Umrah or giving sodaqah? This article will discuss a comparison between the two in light of current conditions.

The Virtue of Umrah

Umrah is one of the most highly valued forms of worship in Islam. It is a ritual that brings a servant closer to Allah SWT and is a remover of minor sins. The Prophet (SAW) said that Umrah can erase the sins between two Umrahs and bring great rewards to the performer. In addition, Umrah is also an opportunity to strengthen faith and achieve spiritual closeness to Allah SWT.

The Virtues of Sadaqah

Sadaqah has tremendous virtues in Islam. Allah ta’ala promises a multiplied reward for those who give alms, even up to seven hundred times what is given. Charity is not only limited to material things, but also includes all forms of kindness, such as smiling, giving advice, and helping others. In a crisis situation or when many people are in need, charity becomes even more important and can be considered more important than other private acts of worship.

Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his book ‘Al-Ikhtiyarat’ states:

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية كما في ‘الاختيارات’: وأما إذا كان له أقارب محاويج، فالصدقة عليهم أفضل، وكذا إذا كان هناك قوم مضطرون إلى نفقته، فأما إذا كان كلاهما تطوعا، فالحج أفضل، لأنه عبادة بدنية مالية، وكذا الأضحية والعقيقة أفضل من الصدقة بقيمة ذلك.

‘If one has relatives who are in need, then charity to them is preferable. Likewise, if there is someone who is in dire need of help, then charity is preferable. However, if both are Sunnah acts, then Hajj is better, because it is an act of worship that involves wealth and physical labour, just as sacrifice and aqiqah are better than charity of the same value.’

Also Read: The Wisdom of Hajj: Journey Beyond Rituals 

Current Context: The Importance of Sadaqah

In this day and age, with more and more people living in hardship, the need for charity has become even more pressing. Pandemics, economic crises, and various natural disasters have put many communities in difficult conditions. In situations like these, helping those in need can be a practice that takes precedence over performing the Sunnah Umrah.

Charity in these circumstances can include various forms of assistance, from food and basic needs, to financial assistance for those who have lost their jobs or been affected by the disaster. In an emergency, giving charity to the needy not only provides worldly benefits, but it is also a great field of reward in the sight of Allah ta’ala.


While Umrah is a highly recommended act of worship in Islam, social situations and conditions can change the priorities of a Muslim’s practice. In today’s world, where many people are in need of help, charity can be a more important deed than Umrah. Helping others is at the core of the teachings of Islam which encourages its followers to help each other and care for others. Therefore, let’s maximise our reward by giving alms, especially when there are many people who need our help.

Also Read: Hajj: A Complete Act of Worship 

Umrah and Sadaqah? Which one is Better?

Also Read: Hajj: a complete act of worship

Islam Web. (n.d.). أيّهما أفضل: الصدقة أم العمرة؟. Retrieved from
Islam Web. (n.d.). أيّهما أفضل: تكرار العمرة أم الصدقة؟. Retrieved from
Bin Baz. (n.d.). هل الحج والعمرة أفضل من الصدقة بنفقتهما؟. Retrieved from
Dar Al-Ifta. (n.d.). تكرار الحج والعمرة أم التصدق على الفقراء والمحتاجين. Retrieved from
Ibn Taymiyyah, T. (n.d.). Al-Ikhtiyarat.

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