
  • BlogFinance Your Fashion Business with Crowdfunding

    Finance Your Fashion Business with Crowdfunding

    The fashion industry is one of the most dynamic and ever-evolving sectors, requiring significant capital investment for everything from production to marketing. For new fashion entrepreneurs, one of the biggest challenges is how to secure funding without compromising the future of their business. Traditionally, entrepreneurs have relied on bank loans or individual investors, but an increasingly popular alternative is crowdfunding.…

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  • Business4 Mistakes Made by Startup Founders

    4 Mistakes Made by Startup Founders

    Introduction Starting a startup is a journey filled with challenges and risks. Many startup founders begin with enthusiasm and innovative ideas, but not all succeed. Most failures are not due to a lack of potential or bad ideas but rather the mistakes made by the founders. These mistakes can significantly impact the growth of the startup, sometimes leading to its…

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  • BusinessThe Importance of Maintaining Cash Reserves

    The Importance of Maintaining Cash Reserves

    Introduction In the business world, cash reserves are one of the most vital yet often overlooked elements. Many companies, whether large or small, face financial difficulties not because they cannot generate profit, but due to poor cash management. When cash flow is not properly managed, businesses can find themselves in undesirable situations, such as liquidity shortages, which could lead to…

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  • BusinessAttract Investors with Big Margins

    Attract Investors with Big Margins

    In today’s competitive business world, entrepreneurs need to develop effective strategies to attract investors. One significant strategy is increasing profit margins. A larger margin not only indicates the financial health of the company but also enhances its attractiveness to investors. This article will discuss the urgency of increasing margins for entrepreneurs and why this is crucial in attracting investor interest.…

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  • BusinessMonetise Your Passion: 6 Business Hacks for Content Creators

    Monetise Your Passion: 6 Business Hacks for Content Creators 

    The rapid advancement of digitalization has transformed the way people do business. In addition to traditional methods, individuals and businesses are now embracing digitalization for both promotion and product catalogues. This digitalization has given rise to new business opportunities, one of which is content creation.  Content creators have emerged across various digital media, utilising text, images, videos, or a combination.…

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  • BusinessManage Your Small Business Finances Easily: A Guide to Simple Bookkeeping 

    Manage Your Small Business Finances Easily: A Guide to Simple Bookkeeping 

    As an entrepreneur, you may already be adept at marketing strategies and branding that attract customers. However, do you know that mastering financial recording is equally important? While cash flow, capital, and balance sheets might sound unfamiliar if you’re focused on other areas, don’t worry! Learning basic accounting is not as complicated as it seems.   Allah ﷻ also commands us…

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  • BusinessTawakkal in Business Fundraising 

    Tawakkal in Business Fundraising 

    Tawakkal, or surrendering to Allah, is a fundamental concept in Islam that plays an important role in everyday life, including in the business world. In the context of business and fundraising, tawakkal provides a strong spiritual and mental foundation for entrepreneurs. This article will outline the importance of tawakkal in the business fundraising process and how its application can support…

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  • Muslim Lifestyle5 Business Lessons from the Story of Abdurrahman bin Auf  

    5 Business Lessons from the Story of Abdurrahman bin Auf  

    Abdurrahman bin Auf Radhiyallahu anhu was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) who was known for his strong faith and abundant wealth. His life story, especially after his hijrah to Madinah, provides many valuable lessons on how to build a business with solid Islamic principles. This article will discuss how Abdurrahman bin…

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  • BusinessSharia-compliant Entrepreneurship Concept

    Sharia-compliant Entrepreneurship Concept

    According to (Razak, 2018) states that Islamic entrepreneurship is a system, process, and practice in running a business in an Islamic way. Islam in question includes the way of life al-deen, namely all activities needed by Muslims in living life. Meanwhile, according to (Ibn Khaldun, 2001), sharia entrepreneurship is an effort to obtain and increase income by developing property own.…

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  • BusinessWhat Can We Learn From Prophet Muhammad ﷺ's Success as An Entrepreneur?

    What Can We Learn From Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s Success as An Entrepreneur?

    The life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a perfect example of leadership that blends spiritual values with worldly skills. Apart from being a messenger of Allah, he was also an accomplished entrepreneur. In the Islamic view, the values of entrepreneurship can be drawn from various aspects of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s life, ranging from business strategies to ethics in trading. Here…

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