Muslim Lifestyle

6 Tips to Stay Productive During Ramadan

Ramadan fasting is one of the pillars of Islam that must be carried out by a Muslim. Ramadan fasting
is required to be done by every Muslim who has reached the age of puberty, is of sound mind, and is
not in a state of illness or is traveling far.

Allah ﷻ has commanded us to fast, as Allah ﷻ mentions in the Qur’an:

يٰٓـاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا كُتِبَ عَلَيۡکُمُ الصِّيَامُ کَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِيۡنَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِکُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُوۡنَۙ‏

O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was for those before you, so perhaps you will become mindful ˹of Allah˺ (Al-Baqarah: 183).

However, fasting is not an obstacle to being unproductive and lazy. Although your body may feel weak
during fasting due to the lack of food you eat during the day, fasting in Ramadan has many rewards
and benefits. Here are some tips on how to stay productive during the fasting month:

1. Establishment of Intention (Niyyah) as the Main Foundation

A strong intention is not only a requirement for the validity of fasting but also serves as a psychological
boost to maintain motivation. Research shows that individuals who link mundane activities with
spiritual goals tend to be more resilient in the face of physical challenges such as weakness or hunger.
For example, interpreting work as a form of worship can increase endurance when undergoing
strenuous tasks during the day. With a strong and sincere intention of fasting to worship Allah, our
fasting is not only about hunger and thirst that we get but also the reward from Allah جل جلاله.

2. Integrating worship into daily routines

The time structure of Ramadan, which is different from the usual days, allows for synchronization
between worship schedules and work productivity. The division of prayer times (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr) can
be used as checkpoints to restore focus, while evenings can be allocated for activities such as Qur’anic
tadarus or Tarawih and tahajud prayers which also function as mental resets.

3. Sahur with adequate nutrition

When fasting, food intake is reduced by around 20-30%. So consuming foods high in nutrients and
balanced nutrition is one of the keys to keeping us strong during activities in the fasting month,
because with balanced nutrition and nutrition the body will be ready to carry out daily activities even
though it is fasting. You can also drink more water, so as not to dehydrate. Enough energy is certainly
needed during activities. How to fulfill nutritional needs during the fasting month can be arranged into
2 or 3 meals, namely sahur time, iftar time and after Tarawih worship. Then, the last meal should be 2
hours before bedtime.

4. Plan your daily schedule well

In the context of Ramadan, we can modify the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize our tasks based on
urgency. We can divide it into several quadrants, the first quadrant being urgent and important tasks.
These are critical tasks that require high concentration. Well, the best time to work on them is 2-3
hours after sahur, when our physical and mental energy is in prime condition. Try to avoid heavy work
during the day, especially during difficult times such as before breaking the fast. Instead, do work that
requires high concentration at a quieter time.
Then, the second quadrant is non-urgent but important tasks. These are activities that support our
long-term goals. The right time to work on them is after Tarawih prayers, when our bodies are more
relaxed. For example, planning projects, or learning new useful things.

Finally, the third and fourth quadrants are tasks that are urgent but not important, and tasks that are
neither urgent nor important. These tasks should be delegated to others if possible, or even eliminated
to save our energy. For example, replying to messages that are not really important.

5. Stay Active with Moderate Exercise

Moderate exercise will help our bodies stay fit during the fasting month. However, the type of exercise
we can choose to do in the fasting month such as walking or light exercise can help keep the body
healthy and fit.
By continuing to exercise there are benefits that can be obtained such as a good mood, more controlled
weight, a fitter body, increased insulin sensitivity, and more endurance.
In addition, choose low-intensity exercise, such as leisurely walking, leisurely cycling. Do exercise for
30-50 minutes, 2-3 times a week.
So, if done the right way and not overdoing it, exercising during fasting is safe. However, remember,
we must also recognize the condition and state of the body. If the weakness and fatigue experienced
during fasting is quite severe, don’t force yourself to exercise.

6. Maintain a Balance Between Work and Worship

It is important to maintain a balance between work and worship during fasting. Do not let the busyness
of work make us forget about worship, considering the many acts of worship that Allah جل جلالهmultiplies
the reward so make sure we also do not lose the momentum of Ramadan. We can take advantage of breaks in the office to pray or read the Qur’an for a while. In addition, avoid procrastinating work so that it does not accumulate and interfere with our worship time.

By applying 6 productive tips in the month of Ramadan without leaving other obligations, hopefully
we can still reap abundant rewards and forgiveness in this month of Ramadan. Don’t forget to ask Allah جل جلاله for help to make our time blessed and useful and Allah جل جلالهkeep our health so that we can maximize our roles and responsibilities in this month of Ramadan.

Also Read: Tips For Completing the Quran During Ramadhan

6 Tips to Stay Productive During Ramadan
6 Tips to Stay Productive During Ramadan

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Universitas Gadjah Mada. 2023. “Digital Minimalism and Productivity During Ramadan: A Cohort Study.” Yogyakarta: Faculty of Psychology.

FKUI (Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia). 2023. “Hydration Stratification Model for Fasting Populations.” Jakarta: Indonesian Journal of Nutrition.

Alodokter. (2025, January 13). Amankah berolahraga saat puasa?.

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Tri Alfiani

Master student in Islamic Finance Practice (MIFP), INCEIF President's Scholarship Awardee, Content and Social Media Specialist in Islamic Finance and Economy living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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