Muslim Lifestyle

The Virtue of Charity in the Month of Ramadan 

In the blessed month of Ramadan, Muslims have the opportunity to increase their worship and acts of charity, one of which is through giving charity. Charity is considered one of the greatest acts of kindness in Islam, encouraged by Allah in the Quran and emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam itself recommends its followers to increase their charity during Ramadan. Here are the reasons: 

1. Allah Multiplies The Rewards of Charity

Islam strongly encourages giving charity during Ramadan. In this noble month, the value of good deeds is multiplied, and the virtue of charity is enhanced. Allah says in the Quran: 

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Al-Baqarah: 261). 

With the immense rewards of charity, it is highly recommended to perform this great act of worship during Ramadan. 

Also Read: Tarawih Prayer and Its Role in Maintaining the Unity of the Ummah 

2.Prophet Muhammad Was Most Generous in Ramadan

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was already the most generous person outside Ramadan, but his generosity increased even more during Ramadan. His generosity during Ramadan is likened to the blowing wind, as mentioned in a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas: 

“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was the most generous of people, and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Jibril (Gabriel) met him. Jibril used to meet him every night of Ramadan to teach him the Quran, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was more generous in doing good than the blowing wind.” (Sahih Hadith – Muttafaq ‘alaih). 

Therefore, as followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), it is fitting for us to follow his example by increasing our charity during Ramadan. Moreover, the Prophet’s act of increasing charity during Ramadan serves as evidence that charity in Ramadan holds greater virtue compared to other months. 

Also Read: How to Make Ramadan More Productive and Blessed

Also Read: 5 Tips Mengelola Keuangan di Bulan Ramadhan

3.The Night of Decree (Lailatul Qadr)

One of the special features of Ramadan is the Night of Decree (Lailatul Qadr). It is a night when every good deed is multiplied in reward, equivalent to performing that deed for more than a thousand months. The existence of the Night of Decree is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Qadr: 

“The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.” (Al-Qadr: 3). 

Surely, on a night where all deeds are multiplied for more than a thousand months, the rewards of charity, which are already multiplied, will be further increased. This strengthens the reason to increase charity during Ramadan in search of the Night of Decree. 

Also Read : Nurturing Wealth: Tips for Saving and Investing During the Holy Month of Ramadan

4.Allah Provides Special Chambers in Paradise For Those Who Give Charity, Pray at night, and Fast

One of the special features of Ramadan is that one can easily combine three acts of worship: charity, night prayer, and fasting. Allah promises special chambers in Paradise for those who perform these three acts, as mentioned in a hadith: 

“In Paradise, there are rooms whose outside can be seen from their inside, and whose inside can be seen from their outside. Allah has prepared them for those who speak good words, give charity, fast, and pray at night while people are asleep.” (Hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi). 

After considering the evidence and benefits mentioned above, giving charity during Ramadan is an opportunity to earn great rewards and draw closer to Allah. Let us make this noble month a chance to deepen our worship and increase our acts of kindness, particularly through charity. 

Also Read: Tips Budgeting Keluarga untuk Menunaikan Pembayaran Zakat 

Also Read: Manajemen Sedekah Sahabat Rasulullah : Ali bin Abi Thalib

Wallahu a’lam 


  1. Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 261. (n.d.). Tafsir AlQuran Online. Retrieved March 5, 2024, from 
  2. Hadis: Rasulullah -ṣallallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam- adalah manusia yang paling dermawan. (n.d.). Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-Hadis Nabi. Retrieved March 5, 2024, from 
  3. Shahih Bukhari, Kitab Al-Zakat, Hadis 1903. 
  4. Shahih Muslim, Kitab Al-Zakat, Hadis 137. 
  5. S.Kom, Y. P. (2010, August 12). Baca Ini! Inilah Dahsyatnya Sedekah di Bulan Ramadhan. 
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Devin Halim Wijaya

Master student in IIUM (Institute of islamic Banking and Finance) | Noor-Ummatic Scholarship Awardee

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