Devin Halim Wijaya

Master student in IIUM (Institute of islamic Banking and Finance) | Noor-Ummatic Scholarship Awardee
  • Muslim LifestyleThe Importance of Love in Islam

    The Importance of Love in Islam

    Islam is a religion that highly emphasizes love and compassion in every aspect of life. Love in Islam encompasses a deep relationship with Allah Ta’ala, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, fellow human beings, and all other creatures. True love in Islam is based on faith and aims to achieve Allah’s pleasure. This article will explore the importance of love in…

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  • Islamic EconomicsTawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work

    Tawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work

    Tawakkul is a crucial concept in Islam, referring to the act of completely surrendering oneself to Allah Ta’ala after making the best possible effort. Tawakkul is often misunderstood as passive submission without any effort, but in Islam, it is about finding a balance between hard work and trust in Allah Ta’ala. This article explores the deeper meaning of tawakkul, its…

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  • Islamic EconomicsIt’s Never Too Late to Learn Islamic Knowledge

    It’s Never Too Late to Learn Islamic Knowledge

    Learning about religion, particularly Islam, is a lifelong journey, one that knows no age restrictions. Regardless of one’s age or background, gaining knowledge in Islam is not only essential for understanding life but also for drawing closer to Allah and achieving success in both this world and the hereafter. Many prominent scholars in the history of Islam started their quest…

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  • BusinessImportant Roles of Custodian Banks in Securities Crowdfunding

    Roles of Custodian Banks in Securities Crowdfunding

    Securities crowdfunding (SCF) is a method of raising funds that allows small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to receive financing from the general public through digital platforms. In this model, investors can provide capital to businesses or projects in exchange for equity or other financial instruments. Behind the scenes of SCF, custodian banks play a crucial role in ensuring the security,…

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  • BlogThe Fear and Greed Index: Is It Really That Important?

    The Fear and Greed Index: Is It Really That Important?

    The Fear and Greed Index is a popular tool used in investment circles to gauge market sentiment. It reflects whether the market is currently dominated by fear or greed, two emotional states that greatly influence investor decisions. These emotions often drive significant changes in asset prices, affecting stock markets, cryptocurrencies, and commodities. But how crucial is the Fear and Greed…

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  • Crowdfunding SyariahImportant! Equip Your Child’s Future with Early Investments

    Important! Equip Your Child’s Future with Early Investments

    In today’s fast-paced world, teaching children about finance and investment from an early age is becoming increasingly crucial. By equipping them with the knowledge of how to manage money and invest wisely, we help them build a more secure and stable financial future. While many parents consider it essential to open savings accounts for their children, introducing them to the…

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  • Muslim LifestyleCan Faith (Iman) Really Increase and Decrease?

    Can Faith (Iman) Really Increase and Decrease?

    In the life of a Muslim, faith (iman) plays a pivotal role. Iman is not just a matter of belief in the heart, but also includes words and deeds carried out in daily life. One of the frequently asked questions about iman is whether it can increase and decrease. Is iman stable over time, or does it fluctuate according to…

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  • BusinessCrowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    Crowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a popular method of raising funds from the public. It allows a large number of individuals to contribute small amounts of money to support a specific project or cause. Crowdfunding is not only used for startups or social initiatives but has also become a viable alternative for creating a sustainable endowment fund. Endowment…

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  • BusinessMassive Potentials of Istishna’ Contracts in Islamic Financing

    Massive Potentials of Istishna’ Contracts in Islamic Financing

    The istishna’ contract is one of the Islamic financing instruments based on a sale and purchase agreement where the product or item being sold does not yet exist at the time of the contract and must be produced according to the buyer’s specifications. This financing solution is particularly useful for sectors such as construction, manufacturing, and projects that require custom-made…

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  • BlogThe Opportunities of Salam Contract in Islamic Financing

    The Opportunities of Salam Contract in Islamic Financing

    The salam contract is a form of sale contract in Islamic law that provides flexibility and significant potential in Islamic financing. In a salam contract, the payment is made upfront, while the goods or commodities are delivered at a later date. This structure holds particular relevance in sectors like agriculture and manufacturing that require initial capital for production. The potential…

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