Laras Wati

Awardee fully funded scholarship as a master student in Indonesian Islamic International Islamic University majoring finance in specialist sustainable finance | General treasurer at Ankaranesia Turkish language community
  • Islamic EconomicsCharacter of a Successful Muslim Entrepreneur

    Character of a Successful Muslim Entrepreneur

    The character of a good Muslim Entrepreneurs is one that can support the sustainability of the business as our role model Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who has good characters and role models in trading or entrepreneurship such as Shidiq, Amanah, Tabligh, and Fathonah. In a business or entrepreneurship, be it trade, investment, or other types of entrepreneurship, as a Muslim, of…

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  • BusinessSharia-compliant Entrepreneurship Concept

    Sharia-compliant Entrepreneurship Concept

    According to (Razak, 2018) states that Islamic entrepreneurship is a system, process, and practice in running a business in an Islamic way. Islam in question includes the way of life al-deen, namely all activities needed by Muslims in living life. Meanwhile, according to (Ibn Khaldun, 2001), sharia entrepreneurship is an effort to obtain and increase income by developing property own.…

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  • Islamic FinanceWhy Should We Use Sharia Contract in Muamalah?

    Why Should We Use Sharia Contract in Muamalah?

    With a long history that dates back to Prophet Muhammad’s involvement in commerce at a young age, his example continues to serve as a model for ethical and successful business practices guided by Islamic principles. The concept of entrepreneurship is not a new concept, it has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Rasulullah himself is a very good…

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  • Muamalah FiqhWhat Should We Do Before and After Eid Fitri?

    What Should We Do Before and After Eid Fitri?

    Eid al-Fitr is a very memorable moment that is awaited by all Muslims around the world, the day when Muslims return to fitri which means returning to purity after fasting Ramadan for 30 days, in order to improve themselves and increase devotion to Allah, then continued with the implementation of Eid prayers. Most people are busy preparing for the arrival…

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  • Islamic FinanceWhy Should We Start With Sharia Investing?

    Why Should We Start With Sharia Investing?

    The Rise of Sharia Investment in Indonesia Sharia investment has been experiencing a surge in popularity, and Indonesia is no exception. The Sharia capital market, in particular, has witnessed significant growth. Data from the Jakarta Stock Exchange (IDX) reveals a staggering 90.3% increase in the number of Islamic shares, from 237 in 2011 to 451 by October 27, 2020. This…

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  • Muslim LifestyleThe Moral, Health, and Social impact of Ramadan Fasting 

    The Moral, Health, and Social impact of Ramadan Fasting 

    In the Al-Quran surah Al Baqarah verse 183 states about obligation fasting.  يٰٓـاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا كُتِبَ عَلَيۡکُمُ الصِّيَامُ کَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِيۡنَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِکُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُوۡنَۙ ‏ ١٨٣  “O people who believe! It is obligatory upon you to quickly as it was obligatory upon those before you so that you may be righteous,”  The objective of fasting is mandatory For…

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  • Islamic EconomicsThe Virtue of Charity in the Month of Ramadan 

    Implementation of The Zakat System in The Modern Era

    What is Zakat? Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, and it is one of the important pillars because relates to society and helps in the well-being public. Zakat term for taking part in treasures that have been required by Allah to be given to entitled groups to accept it. Condition mandatory Muslims giving zakat (Muzzaki) Muslim Baligh Sensible Assets owned…

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  • Muslim LifestyleEssence Hablumminnallah and Hablumminnas During Ramadhan 

    Essence Hablumminnallah and Hablumminnas During Ramadhan 

    Ramadan is The special month is the month This We get order For fast during One month forever with objective obtain reward and blessing from allah and with exists Ramadan is something chance for people Muslim For increase devotion those who can strengthen connection people Muslim as man to Allah as God created universe (habluminnallah). No only That Ramadan also…

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  • Muslim LifestyleNurturing Wealth: Tips for Saving and Investing During the Holy Month of Ramadan

    Nurturing Wealth: Tips for Saving and Investing During the Holy Month of Ramadan

    As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, Muslims around the world prepare for a time of self-reflection, spiritual growth, and increased devotion to Allah. Alongside the spiritual aspects, Ramadan also presents a unique opportunity for individuals to focus on financial responsibility, including saving and investing wisely. As the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “O Allah I seek refuge in…

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  • Muslim LifestyleHow to Make Ramadan More Productive and Blessed

    How to Make Ramadan More Productive and Blessed

    Ramadan is one of them month in year where is the hijriyah? all over people Muslim required For carry out worship fast. Worship fasting is also included in get along well Islam is the one four must done by every religious person Islam . As we know that fast means withhold self from eat, drink and everything thing that can…

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