Crowdfunding Syariah

  • Net Present Value: Important to Know The Impact of Time on Your Investment Value

    Net Present Value: Important to Know The Impact of Time on Your Investment Value

    Net Present Value (NPV) is a commonly used method for evaluating the feasibility of an investment. By calculating NPV, investors can determine whether an investment will be profitable or not. NPV takes into account the time value of money—meaning that money received today is worth more than the same amount received in the future. One of the critical factors influencing…

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  • Price to Earnings and Its Importance for Investors

    Price to Earnings and Its Importance for Investors

    The Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio is a fundamental analytical tool in the investment world. This ratio not only provides insight into stock value but also reflects the market’s perception of a company’s past performance and future expectations. With a multitude of investment options available, understanding the P/E Ratio can assist investors in making more informed and strategic decisions. Definition…

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  • Return on Investment:Crucial to Understand Your Investment Outcomes

    Return on Investment:Crucial to Understand Your Investment Outcomes

    Investing has become a fundamental part of financial planning for individuals and businesses. However, without a clear understanding of how well an investment is performing, it’s difficult to assess whether the financial decisions made are truly profitable. This is where Return on Investment (ROI) plays a critical role. In this article, we will explore why ROI is an important indicator…

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  • Important Roles of Custodian Banks in Securities Crowdfunding

    Roles of Custodian Banks in Securities Crowdfunding

    Securities crowdfunding (SCF) is a method of raising funds that allows small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to receive financing from the general public through digital platforms. In this model, investors can provide capital to businesses or projects in exchange for equity or other financial instruments. Behind the scenes of SCF, custodian banks play a crucial role in ensuring the security,…

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  • Important! Equip Your Child’s Future with Early Investments

    Important! Equip Your Child’s Future with Early Investments

    In today’s fast-paced world, teaching children about finance and investment from an early age is becoming increasingly crucial. By equipping them with the knowledge of how to manage money and invest wisely, we help them build a more secure and stable financial future. While many parents consider it essential to open savings accounts for their children, introducing them to the…

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  • Crowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    Crowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a popular method of raising funds from the public. It allows a large number of individuals to contribute small amounts of money to support a specific project or cause. Crowdfunding is not only used for startups or social initiatives but has also become a viable alternative for creating a sustainable endowment fund. Endowment…

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  • Involvement of the Halal Industry in the Stock Market

    Involvement of the Halal Industry in the Stock Market

    In recent decades, the halal industry has experienced significant growth, not only in the food consumption sector but also in various other sectors, including finance. In Indonesia, the halal industry has become an essential part of the economy, supported by the large Muslim population and the government’s commitment to developing the sharia economy. One key aspect of the sharia economy’s…

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  • PO Financing Dengan Crowdfunding: Memang Bisa?

    PO Financing with Crowdfunding: Is It Possible?

    PO Financing (Purchase Order Financing) is an increasingly popular financial solution among companies that want to fulfil customer orders without having to sacrifice their own working capital. Traditionally, PO financing is provided by banks or other financial institutions. However, with the development of technology and the emergence of alternative business models, crowdfunding is starting to be considered as one of…

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  • Growth vs. Profit: Which is More Important?

    Growth vs. Profit: Which is More Important?

    In the world of business, one of the most persistent debates is the balance between growth and profit. Companies often face the dilemma of choosing between rapidly expanding their market share and maximizing their profits. However, this binary thinking is a flawed approach. It is not necessary to sacrifice one for the other. Instead, businesses should aim to achieve healthy…

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  • Sustainable Management of Zakat Assets Based on Crowdfunding

    Sustainable Management of Zakat Assets Based on Crowdfunding

    Introduction Zakat, a fundamental pillar of Islam, plays a crucial role in promoting social welfare and alleviating poverty. In Indonesia, the potential of zakat is enormous, but its management often faces challenges related to efficiency and transparency. With the advent of digital technology, crowdfunding has emerged as an innovative solution to optimize zakat management. Crowdfunding allows for broader and more…

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