Muslim Lifestyle

  • Tawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work

    Tawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work

    Tawakkul is a crucial concept in Islam, referring to the act of completely surrendering oneself to Allah Ta’ala after making the best possible effort. Tawakkul is often misunderstood as passive submission without any effort, but in Islam, it is about finding a balance between hard work and trust in Allah Ta’ala. This article explores the deeper meaning of tawakkul, its…

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  • It’s Never Too Late to Learn Islamic Knowledge

    It’s Never Too Late to Learn Islamic Knowledge

    Learning about religion, particularly Islam, is a lifelong journey, one that knows no age restrictions. Regardless of one’s age or background, gaining knowledge in Islam is not only essential for understanding life but also for drawing closer to Allah and achieving success in both this world and the hereafter. Many prominent scholars in the history of Islam started their quest…

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  • Can Faith (Iman) Really Increase and Decrease?

    Can Faith (Iman) Really Increase and Decrease?

    In the life of a Muslim, faith (iman) plays a pivotal role. Iman is not just a matter of belief in the heart, but also includes words and deeds carried out in daily life. One of the frequently asked questions about iman is whether it can increase and decrease. Is iman stable over time, or does it fluctuate according to…

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  • Productivity: Great Concept in Islam

    Productivity: Great Concept in Islam

    In Islam, productivity is not merely about material achievements but involves balancing spiritual, physical, and mental aspects. Every action a Muslim undertakes, whether work, worship, or social interaction, should be aimed at attaining Allah’s pleasure. Islam views productivity as the optimal utilization of one’s potential in both worldly and spiritual matters. This article explores productivity from an Islamic perspective, citing…

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  • The Importance of Time Management in Islam

    The Importance of Time Management in Islam

    In Islam, time is considered one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon humanity by Allah ta’ala. Time is not just a neutral commodity but a divine trust, a resource that should be utilized wisely. Both the Qur’an and Hadith emphasize the significance of time, underscoring its irreplaceable nature. Muslims are reminded constantly that every second counts, and every action, whether…

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  • Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Financial freedom and freedom of worship are two intertwined elements in a Muslim’s life, offering a balance between worldly responsibilities and spiritual obligations. In Islam, financial freedom is not merely about amassing wealth, but managing resources responsibly to meet one’s needs without neglecting religious duties. Conversely, freedom of worship allows a Muslim to perform religious obligations without the hindrance of…

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  • Haram Food and its Effect on Financial Freedom

    Haram Food and its Effect on Financial Freedom

    Financial freedom is a condition where one can fulfil their needs without having to worry about financial matters. However, in Islam, financial freedom is not only about how much wealth one has, but also how that wealth is acquired and used. One important aspect that is often overlooked is the impact of eating haram food. This article will discuss how…

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  • How Caliphs Refused Salaries as Public Officials

    How Caliphs Refused Salaries as Public Officials

    Islamic history records many inspiring stories of caliphs who refused to accept salaries as the highest state officials. This decision was not only a form of austerity, but also demonstrated their integrity, honesty, and commitment to Islamic principles. These caliphs carried out the mandate of leadership with full responsibility, placed the welfare of the people above personal interests, and lived…

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  • Finish Poverty with Zakat:How to do it?

    Finish Poverty with Zakat: How to do it?

    Structural poverty is one of the most persistent and challenging problems faced by many countries, including Indonesia. This type of poverty occurs when individuals or groups are trapped in poverty due to the social, economic, and political structures that are in place. These structures often exacerbate inequality by limiting access to education, employment, healthcare, and other essential resources. In this…

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  • Balance Between Worldly Life and Hereafter According to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

    Balance Between Worldly Life and Hereafter According to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

    In everyday life, achieving balance between worldly life and the hereafter is a central principle taught by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He demonstrated how Muslims should live a life with full responsibility towards worldly needs while not neglecting spiritual duties and the afterlife. This article will discuss how Prophet Muhammad ﷺ applied this balance in his life and how we can…

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