Maximizing Rewards from Worship According to Personal Capacity
In Islam worship is not restricted to particular practices like prayer, fasting or the Hajj. Depending on their circumstances and abilities each Muslim performs acts of worship with their own strengths and comfort. according to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):
Do good deeds because everybody will be eased towards what he is created for. (Narrated by Muslim and Al-Bukhari).
Islam is a religion of ease not hardship as this hadith highlights.
By concentrating on performing acts of worship that suit their individual capacities every Muslim can optimize their benefits.
Also read:Helping Others Better Worship Than I’tikaf
Worship based on each persons unique ability
Each person has unique strengths and weaknesses. Wealthy people for instance can maximize their benefits by contributing to charity (sadaqah). Not only does charity purify wealth but it also draws one nearer to Allah ﷻ. Charity is a potent way for the wealthy to reap enormous benefits.
However those who are endowed with religious knowledge can make the most of their benefits by imparting their knowledge to others. Disseminating knowledge that is helpful is a type of continuous charity (sadaqah jariyah) the benefits of which last beyond death. In addition to receiving benefits for oneself teaching brings others closer to Allah ﷻ.
Voluntary prayers and fasting are examples of acts of worship that can be very rewarding for those who are physically strong. For example night prayers (Tahajjud) can be difficult for some people but they are a very fulfilling act of worship for those who are physically able to perform them. Through the use of their physical prowess people can improve their worship.
Dhikr is extremely valuable as well. Dhikr or remembering Allah ﷻ is a simple but incredibly fulfilling act of worship for people who might not have a lot of money knowledge or physical strength. There are no time money or physical requirements for Dhikr. It is possible to do it anywhere and at any time. One can perform dhikr while working walking or even while sleeping. A person can easily receive rewards and maintain their connection to Allah ﷻ by increasing their dhikr.
Also read:Steadfastness (Istiqomah): Consistency in Worship
Rules for Choosing Worship Activities to Someone’s Advantage
Every Muslim must determine which acts of worship best suit their abilities in order to reap the greatest benefits from worship. Recognizing ones strengths and shortcomings is the first step. Regardless of wealth expertise or physical prowess each person has distinct advantages. By being aware of these advantages one can concentrate on worship activities that best fit their needs. Rich people can prioritize charity for instance while knowledgeable people can concentrate on teaching.
Secondly, consider how simple it is to carry out a religious act. The actions that are most appropriate for a persons abilities are frequently those that feel light and simple to execute. Even modest regular worship is preferable to burdensome sporadic acts of worship.
Assessing the effect of worship on oneself and others as the third step. Greater rewards are associated with acts of worship that benefit others in addition to oneself like teaching or charitable giving. One can optimize their benefits by selecting acts of worship that have wider effects.
Fourth tips is don’t take on too much. Islam advises against forcing oneself to perform too challenging acts of worship. Selecting a lighter act that can be performed regularly is preferable if a certain act feels too heavy. This is consistent with the ease principle of Islam.
And lastly ask Allah ﷻ for wisdom. A person may occasionally be unsure of the worship practices that are best for them. The best course of action in these situations is to turn to Allah ﷻ in supplication (dua). Allah ﷻ is aware of what is best for His people.
Also read:Helping Others Better Worship Than I’tikaf
In conclusion
Islam is a religion of comfort. Each Muslim follows a different worship path according to their capacity. One need not feel compelled to perform burdensome acts of worship. The most important factors in worship are sincerity and consistency. By performing as many acts of worship as possible that suit their own schedules Muslims can gain great benefits and become closer to Allah ﷻ.

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Al-Bukhari, M. I. (n.d.). Sahih al-Bukhari.
Muslim, I. H. (n.d.). Sahih Muslim.
Tirmidzi, A. I. (n.d.). Sunan al-Tirmidzi.
Bin Baz, A. A. (n.d.). Fatwa on the Degree of the Hadith “Do Good Deeds According to Your Capacity.” Retrieved from (n.d.). Explanation of the Hadith on Performing Acts According to Ability. Retrieved from (n.d.). The Multiplication of Rewards for Good Deeds in Ramadan. Retrieved from
NU Online Jabar. (n.d.). Tips for Successfully Performing Worship in Ramadan. Retrieved from