
  • BusinessCrowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    Crowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a popular method of raising funds from the public. It allows a large number of individuals to contribute small amounts of money to support a specific project or cause. Crowdfunding is not only used for startups or social initiatives but has also become a viable alternative for creating a sustainable endowment fund. Endowment…

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  • BusinessPO Financing Dengan Crowdfunding: Memang Bisa?

    PO Financing with Crowdfunding: Is It Possible?

    PO Financing (Purchase Order Financing) is an increasingly popular financial solution among companies that want to fulfil customer orders without having to sacrifice their own working capital. Traditionally, PO financing is provided by banks or other financial institutions. However, with the development of technology and the emergence of alternative business models, crowdfunding is starting to be considered as one of…

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  • BusinessIT Project Funding Through Crowdfunding

    IT Project Funding Through Crowdfunding

    In this digital era, the information technology (IT) industry is rapidly evolving and becoming one of the most innovative sectors. However, the development of IT projects often faces financial hurdles. One innovative solution that is gaining popularity is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a fundraising method involving contributions from many individuals through online platforms. This article will discuss the concept of IT…

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  • BusinessSCF Organizers as Representatives of Investors to Issuers 

    SCF Organizers as Representatives of Investors to Issuers 

    Securities Crowdfunding (SCF) has become an increasingly important alternative funding option, especially for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. This scheme allows issuers to raise funds from the public through digital platforms operated by SCF organizers. These organizers play a crucial role in protecting investors’ interests and ensuring that the investment process is conducted safely, fairly, and transparently.…

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  • BusinessImport Financing by Securities Crowdfunding

    Import Financing by Securities Crowdfunding

    In the era of globalization, cross-border business transactions are becoming increasingly common, even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). One of the main activities in international trade is import, where goods or raw materials are purchased from abroad for use in production or resale in the domestic market. However, one of the biggest challenges faced by SMEs in conducting imports…

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  • BusinessCompetitive Nature and Crowdfunding

    Competitive Nature and Crowdfunding 

    Crowdfunding has become one of the most popular methods for raising funds for various projects, from startups to social initiatives. In this context, competitiveness plays a crucial role in determining the success of a crowdfunding campaign. Competitiveness refers to the drive to be better and superior compared to other competitors. In the world of crowdfunding, this can mean having a…

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  • BusinessLeverage and Why Crowdfunding Can Deliver It

    Leverage and Why Crowdfunding Can Deliver It 

    In the world of finance, leverage and crowdfunding are two concepts that play an important role. Leverage refers to the use of borrowed funds to increase the potential return on an investment, while crowdfunding is a method of raising funds from a large number of people to finance a project or venture. This article aims to educate the general public…

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  • BusinessThe Value of Humility in Crowdfunding 

    The Value of Humility in Crowdfunding 

    Crowdfunding is a concept that has gained popularity in the digital era, allowing individuals or groups to raise funds from many people to support their projects or initiatives. Crowdfunding is not just about money; it is also about building a community, increasing visibility, and, most importantly, demonstrating the value of humility. This article will explore how crowdfunding reflects humility and…

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  • BusinessSilaturrahim and Crowdfunding: Combining Tradition with Technology

    Silaturrahim and Crowdfunding: Combining Tradition with Technology 

    Silaturrahim is an important tradition in our culture that emphasises the importance of maintaining good relationships with family, friends and the community. In today’s digital era, this concept can be applied in various aspects of life, including in crowdfunding activities. This article will discuss how silaturrahim and crowdfunding can work together, and provide a practical guide to utilising both for…

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  • Crowdfunding SyariahHow Crowdfunding Represents the Spirit of Gotong Royong 

    How Crowdfunding Represents the Spirit of Gotong Royong 

    Crowdfunding is a fundraising method that involves contributions from a large number of people, usually through online platforms, to support a specific project or cause. In Indonesian culture, the concept of gotong royong, or mutual cooperation, is highly respected and upheld. This article discusses how crowdfunding, in both social and financial contexts, represents the spirit of gotong royong in Indonesia. …

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