
  • BusinessSharia-compliant Entrepreneurship Concept

    Sharia-compliant Entrepreneurship Concept

    According to (Razak, 2018) states that Islamic entrepreneurship is a system, process, and practice in running a business in an Islamic way. Islam in question includes the way of life al-deen, namely all activities needed by Muslims in living life. Meanwhile, according to (Ibn Khaldun, 2001), sharia entrepreneurship is an effort to obtain and increase income by developing property own.…

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  • Muslim LifestyleIs Istighfar Related to Sustenance and Blessings from Allah ﷻ ?

    Is Istighfar Related to Sustenance and Blessings from Allah ﷻ ?

    In Islamic teachings, the concept of istighfar (asking for forgiveness) has a close relationship with sustenance (livelihood or rizq). Istighfar is not only a request for forgiveness for the sins that have been committed, but also a practice that has a major impact on increasing one’s sustenance. In the Quran and Hadith, there are many proofs that emphasise the importance…

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