
  • Islamic EconomicsBook Value Per Share:Is It Important for Investors?

    Book Value Per Share:Is It Important for Investors?

    Book Value Per Share (BVPS) is frequently used in fundamental stock analysis to determine whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued. Although it may sound technical, BVPS plays an important role in helping investors understand the actual value of a stock. This article will explain the definition, calculation method, and the benefits and drawbacks of BVPS as an investment indicator.…

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  • BusinessAttract Investors with Big Margins

    Attract Investors with Big Margins

    In today’s competitive business world, entrepreneurs need to develop effective strategies to attract investors. One significant strategy is increasing profit margins. A larger margin not only indicates the financial health of the company but also enhances its attractiveness to investors. This article will discuss the urgency of increasing margins for entrepreneurs and why this is crucial in attracting investor interest.…

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  • BusinessSCF Organizers as Representatives of Investors to Issuers 

    SCF Organizers as Representatives of Investors to Issuers 

    Securities Crowdfunding (SCF) has become an increasingly important alternative funding option, especially for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. This scheme allows issuers to raise funds from the public through digital platforms operated by SCF organizers. These organizers play a crucial role in protecting investors’ interests and ensuring that the investment process is conducted safely, fairly, and transparently.…

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