islamic economic

  • Islamic EconomicsThe Economic Policies of Umar bin Abdul Aziz

    The Economic Policies of Umar bin Abdul Aziz

    Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the eighth caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty, is widely recognized for his wisdom in managing the economy and governance. Although his reign was brief, from 717 to 720 CE, it became a key example of how just, Sharia-based economic policies can profoundly impact societal welfare. Umar bin Abdul Aziz is often seen as a prototype of…

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  • Islamic EconomicsThe Urgency of Studying Islamic Economic Thought

    The Urgency of Studying Islamic Economic Thought

    Studying the history of Islamic economic thought is more than just reminiscing about the past. By understanding how Muslim scholars once constructed robust economic systems, we can draw inspiration to develop a more effective Islamic economy today. History teaches us that Islam offers solutions to a wide range of economic problems, and we can leverage these to address contemporary economic…

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  • Islamic EconomicsHow Caliphs Refused Salaries as Public Officials

    How Caliphs Refused Salaries as Public Officials

    Islamic history records many inspiring stories of caliphs who refused to accept salaries as the highest state officials. This decision was not only a form of austerity, but also demonstrated their integrity, honesty, and commitment to Islamic principles. These caliphs carried out the mandate of leadership with full responsibility, placed the welfare of the people above personal interests, and lived…

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