islamic finance

  • BusinessCrowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    Crowdfunding: Massive First Step Towards Endowment Fund

    In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a popular method of raising funds from the public. It allows a large number of individuals to contribute small amounts of money to support a specific project or cause. Crowdfunding is not only used for startups or social initiatives but has also become a viable alternative for creating a sustainable endowment fund. Endowment…

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  • BusinessIslamic Finance and Halal Industry: Way to Islamic Society Supremacy

    Islamic Finance and Halal Industry: Way to Islamic Society Supremacy

    In an increasingly globalized world, Islamic finance and the halal industry stand as two complementary pillars in strengthening the economic power of the Muslim community. With a global Muslim population exceeding 1.8 billion, the demand for products and services that adhere to Shariah principles is on the rise. The collaboration between these two sectors not only drives inclusive and sustainable…

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  • BusinessDoes Mudharabah fit All Business Funding?

    Does Mudharabah fit All Business Funding?

    In the world of Islamic finance, Mudharabah is known as a contract where one party provides capital, and the other party offers expertise and manages the business. Profits generated are shared between the two parties based on an agreed ratio, while losses are borne entirely by the capital provider. While Mudharabah has its merits, especially in promoting ethical and fair…

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  • BusinessMonetise Your Passion: 6 Business Hacks for Content Creators

    Monetise Your Passion: 6 Business Hacks for Content Creators 

    The rapid advancement of digitalization has transformed the way people do business. In addition to traditional methods, individuals and businesses are now embracing digitalization for both promotion and product catalogues. This digitalization has given rise to new business opportunities, one of which is content creation.  Content creators have emerged across various digital media, utilising text, images, videos, or a combination.…

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  • BusinessManage Your Small Business Finances Easily: A Guide to Simple Bookkeeping 

    Manage Your Small Business Finances Easily: A Guide to Simple Bookkeeping 

    As an entrepreneur, you may already be adept at marketing strategies and branding that attract customers. However, do you know that mastering financial recording is equally important? While cash flow, capital, and balance sheets might sound unfamiliar if you’re focused on other areas, don’t worry! Learning basic accounting is not as complicated as it seems.   Allah ﷻ also commands us…

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  • Islamic Economics7 Principles of Transparency for Islamic Family Financial Planning 

    7 Principles of Transparency for Islamic Family Financial Planning 

    Managing family finances is a significant responsibility that requires good planning and execution. In this context, transparency is a key to ensuring that all family members can actively participate and understand their financial situation. Here are some important aspects of designing family finances with an emphasis on transparency.  1. The Importance of Transparency in Family Financial Management  Transparency in family…

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  • BusinessDeferred Payment Gold Sales According to DSN-MUI and AAOIFI Rulings 

    Deferred Payment Gold Sales According to DSN-MUI and AAOIFI Rulings 

    Gold trading has been a subject of debate among Islamic scholars due to its association with strict Shariah principles on riba (usury) and gharar (uncertainty). In this context, the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulama Council (DSN-MUI) and the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) have issued guidelines and fatwas on non-cash gold trading. In this…

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  • BusinessHow Does Bad Cashflow Influence Profit Sharing in Mudharabah? 

    How Does Bad Cashflow Influence Profit Sharing in Mudharabah? 

    Mudharabah contracts represent a crucial aspect of Islamic finance, providing a partnership where one party supplies the capital and the other provides expertise and management. Howver, According to pre-determined ratios, the venture’s profits are divided, but the capital provider is responsible for losses. Understanding how a company’s cash flow influences profit sharing in Mudharabah contracts is essential for both parties…

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  • BusinessHow to Analyse Profits Shared in a Mudharabah Contract from the Income Statement 

    How to Analyse Profits Shared in a Mudharabah Contract from the Income Statement 

    The mudharabah contract is a highly regarded form of business cooperation in Islamic economics due to its fairness. In this contract, one party provides the capital (shahibul maal), and the other party provides the expertise or labor (mudharib). The goal of this contract is to achieve profits that will be shared according to the initial agreement. However, to ensure fairness…

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