muslim lifestyle

  • Muslim LifestyleThe Concept of Hope in Islam: Is It Important?

    The Concept of Hope in Islam: Is It Important?

    In Islamic teachings, raja’ or the concept of “hope” plays an integral role in the relationship between a servant and Allah Ta’ala. Hope in Islam is not limited to seeking mercy or forgiveness; it also encompasses a deep conviction that Allah will always support His servants who place their trust in Him. However, raja’ cannot stand alone; it must be…

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  • Muslim LifestyleBalance Between Worldly Life and Hereafter According to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

    Balance Between Worldly Life and Hereafter According to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

    In everyday life, achieving balance between worldly life and the hereafter is a central principle taught by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He demonstrated how Muslims should live a life with full responsibility towards worldly needs while not neglecting spiritual duties and the afterlife. This article will discuss how Prophet Muhammad ﷺ applied this balance in his life and how we can…

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  • BusinessDoes Mudharabah fit All Business Funding?

    Does Mudharabah fit All Business Funding?

    In the world of Islamic finance, Mudharabah is known as a contract where one party provides capital, and the other party offers expertise and manages the business. Profits generated are shared between the two parties based on an agreed ratio, while losses are borne entirely by the capital provider. While Mudharabah has its merits, especially in promoting ethical and fair…

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  • BusinessThe Value of Humility in Crowdfunding 

    The Value of Humility in Crowdfunding 

    Crowdfunding is a concept that has gained popularity in the digital era, allowing individuals or groups to raise funds from many people to support their projects or initiatives. Crowdfunding is not just about money; it is also about building a community, increasing visibility, and, most importantly, demonstrating the value of humility. This article will explore how crowdfunding reflects humility and…

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  • BusinessThe Concept of Thoyyib Eating in Islam

    The Concept of Thoyyib Eating in Islam

    Food is a basic human need that serves as a source of energy and nutrition. In Islam, the concept of “thoyyib” food is highly emphasised. Thoyyib comes from Arabic which means clean, healthy, and good quality. Thoyyib food not only fulfils health standards but also conforms to religious and ethical teachings. Many texts in the Qur’an and Hadith emphasise the…

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  • BusinessMonetise Your Passion: 6 Business Hacks for Content Creators

    Monetise Your Passion: 6 Business Hacks for Content Creators 

    The rapid advancement of digitalization has transformed the way people do business. In addition to traditional methods, individuals and businesses are now embracing digitalization for both promotion and product catalogues. This digitalization has given rise to new business opportunities, one of which is content creation.  Content creators have emerged across various digital media, utilising text, images, videos, or a combination.…

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  • Islamic Economics7 Principles of Transparency for Islamic Family Financial Planning 

    7 Principles of Transparency for Islamic Family Financial Planning 

    Managing family finances is a significant responsibility that requires good planning and execution. In this context, transparency is a key to ensuring that all family members can actively participate and understand their financial situation. Here are some important aspects of designing family finances with an emphasis on transparency.  1. The Importance of Transparency in Family Financial Management  Transparency in family…

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  • Muslim LifestyleThe Benefits of Morning and Evening Dhikr in Islam 

    The Benefits of Morning and Evening Dhikr in Islam 

    Morning and evening dhikr is one of the recommended acts of worship in Islam. Dhikr means remembering Allah through certain phrases taught by the Prophet Muhammad. With dhikr, a Muslim can feel the presence of Allah in every aspect of his life. The following are some of the benefits of morning and evening dhikr based on the Quran and Hadith. …

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  • BusinessDeferred Payment Gold Sales According to DSN-MUI and AAOIFI Rulings 

    Deferred Payment Gold Sales According to DSN-MUI and AAOIFI Rulings 

    Gold trading has been a subject of debate among Islamic scholars due to its association with strict Shariah principles on riba (usury) and gharar (uncertainty). In this context, the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulama Council (DSN-MUI) and the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) have issued guidelines and fatwas on non-cash gold trading. In this…

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  • BusinessHow Do You Mitigate Investment Risk?

    Upgrade Skills as a Sign of a Good Muslim Professional 

    In an increasingly competitive work environment, upgrading skills is one of the keys to achieving success. For a Muslim professional, this is not just about earning a livelihood but also about fulfilling responsibilities as a trustworthy and competent individual. Islam encourages its followers to continually learn and develop themselves, so they can make the best contribution in every aspect of…

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