Tawakkul in the Job Searching Process
One of the most important life stages, job searching is frequently fraught with difficulties and uncertainty. One of the most important ideas in Islam for handling such circumstances is tawakkul or dependence on Allah ﷻ. Tawakkul on the other hand calls for striking a balance between striving and total surrender to Allah ﷻ’s will it does not imply passivity without effort.
Tawakkul definition
Wakala which means to entrust or delegate is the Arabic root word from which tawakkul is derived. Terminologically speaking tawakkul describes a state of mind and spirit that reflects total faith in Allah ﷻ as the ultimate creator of everything. A Muslim who adopts this mindset must put forth their best effort in everything they do while acknowledging that Allah ﷻ alone controls the outcome. An individual who engages in tawakkul will work hard and entrust the outcome to Allah ﷻ. This is what Allah ﷻ says in the Quran
“And whoever puts their trust in Allah ﷻ, He will suffice them.” (QS. At-Talaq: 3)
This verse highlights that Allah ﷻ will provide for those who continue to work hard and entrust their affairs to Him.
Also read:Tawakkal in Islam: When Surrender Meets Hard Work
Tawakkul when looking for a job
When it comes to job searching tawakkul is represented in a number of useful steps:
The maximum amount of effort (Ikhtiar)
A Muslim must put forth their best effort when looking for work. This entails creating a compelling CV applying to different businesses honing your skills and getting ready for interviews. An act of obedience to Allah ﷻ who commands His servants to work and seek out legal sustenance is called effort (ikhtiar). In addition to relying on prayer the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was a diligent worker who took proactive measures to support himself.
Prayer and requesting Allah ﷻ’s assistance
It is crucial to ask Allah ﷻ for comfort and direction after exerting oneself. A suggested prayers for job searchers are as follows:
“O Allah ﷻ, suffice me with Your lawful provisions so that I do not need what is unlawful, and enrich me with Your bounty so that I do not need anything besides You.”
This prayer represents a request to Allah ﷻ for sufficient and lawful sustenance.
Patience and Contentment
A Muslim must persevere and be satisfied with Allah ﷻs will after praying and striving. Through tawakkul we have faith that Allah ﷻ has the best plan for His servants even if a desired job has not yet been awarded. Allah ﷻ says:
“But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah ﷻ knows, while you do not know.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 216)
This verse encourages us to maintain our optimism and not give up on Allah ﷻs purposes.
Also read:Tawakkal in Business Fundraising
Tawakkul’s advantages when looking for work
When looking for a job, tawakkul attitude gives a number of advantages:
• Inner Peace: Knowing that Allah ﷻ has control over everything brings one inner peace. This lessens the tension and anxiety that come with uncertainty.
• Inspiration to Continue Striking: Perseverance in pursuing opportunities is fostered by the knowledge that Allah ﷻ demands effort.
• Relief from Despair: By reminding people that Allah ﷻ has a better plan Tawakkul helps them avoid becoming hopeless in the face of rejection or failure.
• Blessings in Sustenance: A person will experience blessings in their livelihood if they work sincerely and depend on Allah ﷻ. It was stated by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):
“If you were to rely upon Allah ﷻ with reliance due to Him, He would provide for you just as He provides for the birds; they go out in the morning hungry and return in the evening full.” (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
According to this hadith even creatures who engage in tawakkul still put forth effort and Allah ﷻ provides for their needs.
Also read:How Islam Views Relationships Among Colleagues
In conclusion
Relying on Allah ﷻ while putting forth the most effort is what it means to maintain tawakkul when looking for a job. A Muslim needs to be hardworking pray for help and be patient with the results. They will find inner peace and have faith that Allah ﷻ will present the best opportunity at the appropriate moment if they do this.

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Dompet Dhuafa. (2023). What is Tawakkul and Its Application in Daily Life. Retrieved from https://www.dompetdhuafa.org/en/what-is-tawakkul-and-its-application-in-daily-life/
The Islamic Quotes. (2023). 7 Powerful Duas to Get Jobs. Retrieved from https://www.theislamicquotes.com/powerful-duas-to-get-jobs/
Muslim.or.id. (2013). Tawakal, Kunci Keberhasilan Yang Sering Dilalaikan. Retrieved from https://muslim.or.id/13995-tawakal-kunci-keberhasilan-yang-sering-dilalaikan.html