akad musyarakah

  • Islamic FinanceIslamic New Year and Its Financial Wisdom

    Islamic New Year and Its Financial Wisdom

    The Islamic New Year, also known as the Hijri New Year, marks the beginning of the Hijri calendar based on the migration (Hijrah) of Prophet Muhammad (Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) from Mecca to Medina. For Muslims, this moment is not merely a change of the year but a symbol of new beginnings and spiritual reflection. Beyond its spiritual significance, the…

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  • Islamic EconomicsMusyarakah Contracts and Capital Guarantee: What You Need to Know

    Musyarakah Contracts and Capital Guarantee: What You Need to Know

    One of the Shariah-compliant cooperative contracts is the Musyarakah contract. This contract involves joint participation in business activities, including sharing profits and bearing losses. However, there are cases where one of the shariks, especially a large investor, asks for a capital guarantee from the business manager when investing in a business. Is this permissible in Shariah?  The basic provisions regarding…

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  • Muamalah FiqhMusyarakah With Tiered Profit Sharing, Is It Allowed? 

    Musyarakah With Tiered Profit Sharing, Is It Allowed? 

    One of the possible profit-sharing schemes proposed in a Musyarakah contract is a tiered profit-sharing scheme. This is done by providing different profit sharing ratios based on a certain percentage of profit realised from capital or sales. An example is as follows:  Also Read:The Meaning of Eid al-Fitr in Making Financial Hijrah Implementation of The Zakat System in The Modern EraKenapa…

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