allah’s blessings

  • Muslim LifestyleIs Hidayah Awaited or Sought?

    Is Hidayah Awaited or Sought?

    A key idea in Islam is hidayah or divine guidance which describes the direction Allah ﷻ gives people to keep them on the straight and narrow. The heart is illuminated by this light which makes it possible to discern between truth and falsity right and wrong. But a relevant question is raised: Is hidayah something that one actively pursues or is…

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  • Muslim LifestyleKufur Nikmat: Denial of Allah’s Blessings

    Kufur Nikmat: Denial of Allah’s Blessings

    Kufur nikmat as used in Islam is the idea of denying or not being grateful for Allah ﷻs blessings. It is a spiritual illness that frequently goes undiagnosed but has serious repercussions for a persons life and faith. Everything from the wealth we own to the air we breathe is a blessing from Allah ﷻ. However people fall into the trap of…

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