islamic financial

  • BlogWorship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Worship and Financial Freedom in Islam

    Financial freedom and freedom of worship are two intertwined elements in a Muslim’s life, offering a balance between worldly responsibilities and spiritual obligations. In Islam, financial freedom is not merely about amassing wealth, but managing resources responsibly to meet one’s needs without neglecting religious duties. Conversely, freedom of worship allows a Muslim to perform religious obligations without the hindrance of…

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  • BusinessPO Financing Dengan Crowdfunding: Memang Bisa?

    PO Financing with Crowdfunding: Is It Possible?

    PO Financing (Purchase Order Financing) is an increasingly popular financial solution among companies that want to fulfil customer orders without having to sacrifice their own working capital. Traditionally, PO financing is provided by banks or other financial institutions. However, with the development of technology and the emergence of alternative business models, crowdfunding is starting to be considered as one of…

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  • Islamic FinanceWhat is Financial Independence for a Muslim?

    What is Financial Independence for a Muslim?

    Financial independence is a state where an individual has enough financial resources to meet their needs without relying on continuous income sources. In the Islamic perspective, financial independence is not just about accumulating wealth; it’s about how that wealth is earned, managed, and utilized in accordance with Islamic principles. Islam views wealth as a trust from Allah that must be…

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  • BusinessHow Do You Mitigate Investment Risk?

    How Do You Mitigate Investment Risk?

    Investment is an important step in achieving long-term financial success. Risks in investment can come from various factors, such as market fluctuations, regulatory changes, or unexpected events, such as the global economic crisis. Although we cannot completely eliminate risk in investment, we can manage and minimise it with the right strategy. Here are some ways to effectively mitigate investment risk: …

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