
  • BusinessConcept of Wakaf Sukuk in Islamic Economics

    Concept of Wakaf Sukuk in Islamic Economics

    Waqf is a crucial pillar in the Islamic economic system that serves as a social instrument for wealth and welfare distribution. Traditionally, waqf has been used in Muslim societies to support various social projects such as building mosques, schools, and hospitals. However, as times have progressed, the concept of waqf can now be applied in various forms, one of which…

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  • Crowdfunding SyariahWaqf Sukuk on Securities Crowdfunding

    Waqf Sukuk on Securities Crowdfunding

    In recent years, sharia-based financial innovations have shown great potential in optimising the management of public funds. One of the latest innovations that has attracted attention is Sukuk Wakaf, especially in the context of its application through the Securities Crowdfunding platform. The National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) Fatwa No. 131 of 2019 on Sukuk Wakaf provides…

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  • Islamic EconomicsCan Sukuk Become a Crypto?

    Can Sukuk Become a Crypto?

    Sukuk, often referred to as Islamic bonds, are financial instruments that comply with Sharia principles. On the other hand, crypto refers to digital currencies operating on decentralised blockchain technology. This article explores whether sukuk can be integrated with cryptographic technology to create a new financial instrument.  Definition and Characteristics of Sukuk  Sukuk are securities representing ownership in an asset or…

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  • BusinessHow Mudharabah Akad Works in Sukuk Issuance 

    How Mudharabah Akad Works in Sukuk Issuance 

    The Islamic capital market is one of the innovations in the field of Islamic finance that presents Islamic contracts and values in capital practices and transactions in the capital market. One of the innovations in securities issuance in the Islamic capital market is sukuk. Sukuk itself is defined based on the fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian…

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