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Steadfastness (Istiqomah): Consistency in Worship

Steadfastness or istiqomah means being obedient to Allah ﷻ and worshipping him consistently. It represents a strong commitment to upholding a straight path in both faith and practice and it is an essential part of a Muslims life. Istiqomah is more than just following rituals on a regular basis its also about remaining steadfast in obeying Allahs commands and abstaining from His prohibitions. With reference to pertinent sources this article examines the definition of istiqomah its significance how to attain it practically and its benefits.

What Steadfastness (Istiqomah) Means

In linguistics istiqomah means straight or erect. It denotes constant and unwavering obedience to Allah ﷻ in the context of worship. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

Say, ‘I believe in Allah,’ and then be steadfast. (Sahih Muslim)

This demonstrates that having a strong faith naturally leads to istiqomah.

Also read:Faith, Knowledge, and Deeds: The Three Foundations of Act in Islam

Steadfastness (Istiqomah) in worship is important

A Muslims life is greatly impacted by their steadfastness in worship. It first aids in preserving the standard of worship. Worship can often elicit a persons initial enthusiasm which can eventually fade. A Muslim learns to maintain consistency in the face of difficulties or periods of indolence through istiqomah.

Secondly, istiqomah is an indication of genuineness. A person who consistently worships shows that their devotion is fueled by a profound love and awareness of Allah ﷻ rather than by ephemeral feelings. This is in accordance with what Allah says in the Quran:

So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, (you) and those who have turned back with you (to Allah), and do not transgress. (Quran, Hud: 112).

Also read:Helping Others Better Worship Than I’tikaf

Advice for Stay Istiqomah

The following useful advice can assist a Muslim in maintaining their commitment to worship:

1.Recognize the reason behind worship

Worship is an act of service to Allah not merely a ritual. Knowing this goal encourages someone to stick with it.

2. Commence with simple acts of worship

Beginning with modest but regular acts of worship was the Prophet ﷺs recommendation. Two units of voluntary prayer per day for instance is preferable to several units done sporadically.

3. Read the Righteous Peoples Stories

Steadfastness is inspired by the tales of the Prophets companions and devout scholars. They serve as illustrations of patience and resiliency.

4. Steer clear of sins

Sins erode the desire to worship and weaken the heart. To maintain istiqomah one must abstain from sins.

5. Always Pray (Du’a) to Allah

For a Muslim du’a or prayer is a very effective tool. Seeking Allahs strength to stay firm is strongly advised.

6.Make friends with morally upright people

Habits are heavily influenced by ones surroundings. Maintaining consistency in worship is facilitated by surrounding oneself with virtuous people.

Also read:The Way for Turning Work into a Source of Reward in Ramadan

The Virtue of Steadfastness (Istiqomah)

When it comes to worship istiqomah has many benefits. As stated by the Prophet ﷺ Do good deeds properly sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise.

The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

This demonstrates that Allah honors consistent worship regardless of how small it is.

Moreover, istiqomah is a path to Paradise. Allah ﷻ says:

“Indeed, those who have said, ‘Our Lord is Allah,’ and then remained steadfast, the angels will descend upon them, (saying), ‘Do not fear and do not grieve, but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised.’” (Quran, Fussilat: 30).

Also read:The Ethics of a Moslem Professional: Honoring Work Hours

In conclusion

One of the keys to achieving happiness in this life and the next is steadfast worship. Even though it might not be simple every Muslim can attain the degree of istiqomah they desire with a sincere desire persistent work and prayer. May we all be given the fortitude to continue worshiping steadfastly and to please Allah ﷻ.

Steadfastness (Istiqomah): Consistency in Worship
Steadfastness (Istiqomah): Consistency in Worship

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Rumaysho. (n.d.). Tips to remain steadfast (Part 1). Retrieved from
Rumaysho. (n.d.). Tips to remain steadfast (Part 2). Retrieved from
Nasehat Islam. (n.d.). The importance of steadfastness in worship. Retrieved from
Dalam Islam. (n.d.). The virtues of steadfastness in worship. Retrieved from

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Devin Halim Wijaya

Master student in IIUM (Institute of islamic Banking and Finance) | Noor-Ummatic Scholarship Awardee

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