Haram Food and its Effect on Financial Freedom
Financial freedom is a condition where one can fulfil their needs without having to worry about financial matters. However, in Islam, financial freedom is not only about how much wealth one has, but also how that wealth is acquired and used. One important aspect that is often overlooked is the impact of eating haram food. This article will discuss how eating haram can affect financial freedom from the perspective of religion and morality.Definition of Haram Food
Haram food in Islam is any type of food that is forbidden by Shariah to be consumed. This includes pork, carrion, blood, as well as food that is not slaughtered in the name of Allah. In addition, food obtained through unlawful means, such as through fraud or usury, also falls into this category. Eating haram food not only impacts one’s spiritual state, but can also have a significant effect on sustenance and blessings in life.
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Spiritual Impact of Haram Food
Spiritually, Islam teaches that blessings in sustenance are not only determined by the amount earned, but also by how it is earned and what is consumed. Eating haram food is considered to hinder the arrival of blessings in one’s life. The Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam said that every haram meal that enters the body will cause a person’s good deeds not to be accepted for 40 days (HR. Tirmidzi). This shows how serious the impact of eating haram food is on one’s relationship with Allah.
Furthermore, haram food is believed to harden the heart, make it difficult for a person to accept the truth, and keep away from obeying Allah. This will certainly affect one’s daily life, including the financial decisions one makes.
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The Effect of Haram Foods on Financial Freedom
True financial freedom is not only about having a lot of money, but also about having a blessed and sufficient sustenance. Eating haram food can ruin the blessing of sustenance, even if one has a large income. Money earned without blessings often brings no satisfaction, runs out easily, or even brings trouble.
In addition, eating the haram can affect one’s wisdom in managing finances. A heart uncleaned by haram food tends to make unwise decisions, such as overspending, engaging in usury debt, or making unethical investments. As a result, the goal of achieving financial freedom becomes more difficult to achieve.
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Haram Goods are Expensive, Halal Goods are Cheaper
One of the things that many people rarely realise is that haram goods are often more expensive than halal goods. This phenomenon can be seen in various aspects of daily life. For example, roast pork can cost up to Rp250,000 per family portion, while halal chicken is much cheaper, and even halal beef can cost less than pork. This shows that choosing halal is not only spiritually better, but also more economical.
Another example is when it comes to drinks. Hard liquor such as whisky or red wine is often sold at a much higher price compared to halal drinks such as juice or tea. A bottle of premium whisky, for example, can run into millions of rupiah, whereas fruit juices or soft drinks can be enjoyed at a much more affordable price.
In addition, cigarettes, which in some views are considered haram or at least makruh (disliked), also have a high price tag. A pack of cigarettes in Indonesia can cost up to Rp40,000 or more. Whereas, for the same price, one can get nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, or other healthy food products that are clearly more beneficial to the body.
This condition gives a message that choosing halal goods is not only a matter of obedience to religious teachings, but also a matter of wisdom in financial management. By choosing halal, one not only keeps oneself from sin, but is also better able to manage finances more wisely and economically.
This is in line with the principles of Islam, which encourages its followers not to live in excess and always choose the path that is pleasing to Allah. Thus, financial freedom can be more easily achieved with a simple lifestyle, full of blessings, and away from unnecessary luxuries, such as those offered by haram goods.
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Eating haram has very serious repercussions, not only in spiritual and moral aspects, but also in terms of financial freedom. In Islam, it is important to ensure that the food consumed is halal and thayyib (good), so that the sustenance earned is full of blessings. By keeping food halal, one can draw closer to Allah and increase the chances of achieving true financial freedom.

- Buletin At-Tauhid. (2020). Harta Haram: Pengertian, Dampak, Sumber, dan Cara Bertaubat Darinya. Diakses dari https://buletin.muslim.or.id.
- Republika Online. (2023). Lima Dampak Buruk akibat Memakan Makanan Haram. Diakses dari https://www.republika.co.id.
- Rumaysho. (2023). Pengaruh Makanan Haram. Diakses dari https://www.rumaysho.com.
- Muslim.or.id. (2023). Panduan Makanan (1): Pengaruh Makanan Haram. Diakses dari https://www.muslim.or.id.
- Mathis, T. (n.d.). Author Post: The Real Meaning Of Financial Freedom. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2021/04/29/the-real-meaning-of-financial-freedom/
- Is Overeating Prohibited? – Islam Question & Answer. (n.d.). Islamqa.info. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/145160/is-overeating-prohibited