Responsibility as Professional Ethic for Muslims
Responsibility is not just a duty to be carried out in Islam it is also a fundamental component of a Muslims morals and faith. As a professional responsibility is an essential component that supports credibility and integrity in performing tasks. In the context of Muslim professional ethics, responsibility extends beyond performance at work and includes responsibility to Allah ﷻ other people and the environment.
Islams view of responsibility
Islam holds that everyone has obligations to fulfill as a member of society and as a servant of Allah ﷻ . In the Quran Allah ﷻ states:
“And say: Work, for Allah will see your work, and so will His Messenger and the believers.” (Quran 9:105). “
Since all deeds will be accounted for before Allah ﷻ this verse highlights the importance of performing every task with sincerity and a sense of responsibility. The idea of amanah (trust) in Islam also reflects responsibility. Amanah is a trust that someone is given to fulfill as best they can.
A Muslim professional should treat their work as an amanah that needs to be protected and carried out with complete honesty. This is consistent with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺs hadith which states:
“‘All of you are leaders, and will be asked about what you led. An emir who takes care of many people is a leader and will be asked about them. A man is a leader in his family and will be asked about them. A woman is a leader in her husband’s house and her children and will be asked about them. A slave is the leader of his master’s property and will be asked about it. So, each of you is a leader, and all of you are responsible for the led.’ [Sahih] – [Muttafaq ‘alaihi] – [Sahih Bukhari – 2554]”
This hadith teaches that responsibility encompasses all facets of daily life not just the workplace.
Also read:The Ethics of a Moslem Professional: Honoring Work Hours
Professional Responsibility at Work
When it comes to the workplace professional responsibility encompasses integrity self-control and dedication to high-quality work. A professional who is Muslim must adhere to Islamic work ethics which forbid engaging in deceit corruption or other unethical behavior. As the Quran states:
“Do not deprive people of their due and do not spread corruption on earth.” (Quran 7:85).”
Professional responsibility also entails having the capacity to work effectively and efficiently. It is a form of worship and devotion to Allah for a Muslim to put forth their best effort in their work. A hadith said:
“When one of you performs a task Allah loves that you do it with itqan (precision, thoroughness and professionalism) stated Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. (Narrated The Thabrani).”
Professionalism and producing high-quality work are part of a Muslims duty according to this hadith.
Also read:Upgrade Skills as a Sign of a Good Muslim Professional
Environmental and social responsibility
A Muslim has obligations to the environment and society in addition to the workplace. Islam holds that people are stewards of the planet and have a responsibility to preserve and safeguard it. A Muslim professional has an obligation to make sure that their work does not negatively impact the environment or society. Islams maslahah (common good) principle which emphasizes the significance of striking a balance between the interests of the individual and the community is consistent with this.
Taking care of others is another example of social responsibility. A Muslim professional needs to care about social issues like inequality injustice and poverty. Allah ﷻ states in the Quran:
“Participate in piety and righteousness but refrain from participating in sin and transgression. (Quran 5:2).”
According to this verse every Muslim should uphold social responsibility as a fundamental component of professional ethics.
Also read:Amanah as a Professional Ethic in Islam
In conclusion
In the context of Muslim professional ethics responsibility includes social and environmental responsibilities workplace responsibility and responsibility to Allah. A Muslim professional must perform their duties with honesty integrity and a dedication to producing high-quality work. As an example of Islamic values in action they must also be socially and environmentally conscious. Thus responsibility is a sign of worship and devotion to Allah ﷻ in addition to being a fundamental component of the professional world. Let’s show Islamic value by being responsible and accountable in our work and life.

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Hadis: Setiap kalian adalah pemimpin dan setiap kalian akan ditanya tentang apa yang dipimpinnya. Seorang Amir adalah pemimpin, laki-laki adalah pemimpin untuk keluarganya, wanita adalah pemimpin di rumah suami dan anak-anaknya. Jadi setiap kalian adalah pemimpin dan setiap kalian bertanggung jawab atas kepemimpinannya. (n.d.). Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-Hadis Nabi.
Surat At-Taubah Ayat 105. (n.d.). Tafsir AlQuran Online.